Past WNA Class Videos
Watch past years WNA class videos here.
- Fall 2020: Why Your Methodist Faith Matters!
Why Your Methodist Faith Matters!
Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert
The class will look at significant moments and relationships in his life to see how they affected his faith, the beginnings of Methodism, and history.
Dr. Long is the Senior Pastor of St. Luke’s, and Rev. Lambert is the Senior Executive Pastor. Together they have co-taught WNA classes for over 12 years. Their unique back-and-forth teaching style keeps everyone engaged.
- Fall 2020: Faith in Exile: Finding God When You Can’t Be in the Temple
Faith in Exile: Finding God When You Can’t Be in the Temple
Rev. Josh Attaway
Each week will cover a different topic related to the COVID world we are living in with guest presenters who are experts in their related fields.
Josh is the Campus Pastor at St. Luke’s Edmond. Josh graduated from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois with a masters in Divinity with a concentration in Congregational Leadership. Josh is married to his wife, Brittany, and enjoys playing golf, traveling, reading, adventure, and spending time with his baby daughter, Lucy.
- Fall 2020: COVID Conversations with Rev. Mary Hughes
COVID Conversations
Rev. Mary Hughes
Each week will cover a different topic related to the COVID world we are living in with guest presenters who are experts in their related fields.
Rev. Mary Hughes is a licensed professional counselor and ordained United Methodist deacon. Since 1995 Mary has worked professionally in response to disaster emotional and spiritual care needs in more than two dozen states across the United States. A frequent teacher and presenter in Oklahoma and beyond, she has authored and contributed to numerous disaster response curricula and resources and has provided key leadership in developing national standards and best practices in disaster spiritual care. She is director of Crisis Care Ministries and is proud to be affiliated with St. Luke’s as her home church.
- Summer 2020: Great Mysteries: What can we know about the unknowable?
Great Mysteries: What can we know about the unknowable?
Rev. Wendy Lambert
Is it possible to know what life after death is like? What is the unforgivable sin and should we be worried? What is the Trinity and how can we better understand God in three persons? What are the “end times” and what can we know about them if even Jesus doesn’t know the day or hour when they will occur? In this study we will examine some of the deeper questions of our faith.
Wendy was born in Dayton, Ohio but claims Oklahoma as her home state! She received her Masters in Physical Therapy from the University of Nebraska and practiced physical therapy before being called into ministry. Wendy received her Masters in Divinity from Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of Theology. Wendy is married to Chris Lambert and they have two children, daughter Hannah and son, Brooks. She is celebrating 14 years of ministry at St. Luke’s.
You can watch Rev. Lambert’s class live each Wednesday evening during WNA by clicking here.
- Summer 2020: A Range of Emotions
A Range of Emotions
Rev. Josh Attaway
Facing a global pandemic, economic turmoil, record unemployment rates, and racial divides can lead to a wide range of emotions – from anger and sorrow to gratitude and praise. All of these emotions are biblical and part of our faith tradition. This class will take an in-depth look at the Psalms to see the ways Psalms were written for all different life circumstances and see how these messages of our faith still speak to our lives today.
Josh is the Campus Pastor at St. Luke’s Edmond. Josh graduated from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois with a Masters in Divinity with a Concentration in Congregational Leadership. Josh is married to his wife, Brittany, and enjoys playing golf, traveling, reading, adventure, and spending time with his new daughter, Lucy.
You can watch Rev. Attaway’s class live each Wednesday evening during WNA by clicking here.
- Spirng 2020 - 10 Most Important Locations for our Faith Story
10 Most Important Locations for our Faith Story
Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert
How have places like Egypt, the Mediterranean Sea, and the city of Jerusalem affected our faith? What does the Bible say about them? Places like Antioch, the Sea of Galilee, and Caesarea Philippi all have histories that inform our faith today. We are strengthened in our connection to God and understanding of the Bible when we know more about our spiritual ancestry. Join Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert for a tour of the most important locations of our faith tradition.
Dr. Long is the Senior Pastor of St. Luke’s, and Rev. Lambert is the Senior Executive Pastor. Together they have co-taught WNA classes for over 12 years. Their unique back-and-forth teaching style keeps everyone engaged.
You can watch Dr. Long and Rev. Lambert’s class live each Wednesday evening during WNA by clicking here.
- Spring 2020 - “For All the Saints” Rev. Josh Attaway
“For All the Saints”
Rev. Josh Attaway
This class will take a look back at some of the early saints and Church Fathers to learn lessons in theology and history they taught us. We stand on a faith foundation that is nearly 2,000 years old and are blessed to receive the wisdom of those who have gone before us. We will look at people like Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Saint Francis of Assisi, Catherine of Siena, and many others. This class will be especially helpful for those going on the spiritual pilgrimage to Italy and Germany in 2020 as we will look at many of the saints and the places they came from that we will visit on our trip.
Rev. Josh Attaway is the Campus Pastor at St. Luke’s Edmond. Josh graduated from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois with a Masters in Divinity with a Concentration in Congregational Leadership. Josh is married to his wife, Brittany, and enjoys playing golf, traveling, reading, and adventure.
- Fall 2019 - Through Deep Waters: An In-depth Look at the Gifts of Hope and Forgiveness - Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert
Through Deep Waters: An In-depth Look at the Gifts of Hope and Forgiveness
Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert
This class will explore the great promise of our faith that, regardless of where we are in our journey of life, God is with us. God’s loving presence offers us hope and forgiveness. This class offers an in-depth look at what the Bible teaches about hope and forgiveness. On October 9, there will be a special guest, Darryl Burton, who will share his powerful life story of how God brought him through a tragedy of justice to a new life filled with hope and forgiveness.
Dr. Long is the Senior Pastor of St. Luke’s, and Rev. Lambert is the Senior Executive Pastor. Together they have co-taught WNA classes for over 12 years. Their unique back-and-forth teaching style keeps everyone engaged.
You can watch Dr. Long and Rev. Lambert’s class live each Wednesday evening during WNA by clicking here.
- Fall 2019 - The Beginning - Rev. Josh Attaway
The Beginning
Rev. Josh Attaway
The book of Genesis is filled with amazing and familiar stories that light up our imagination and teach us some of the fundamental truths of who God is, who we are as humans, and what we are supposed to do in the world. From stories of creation, to floods, to slavery in Egypt, we will explore some familiar stories in a whole new way to see how God is still speaking to us and calling us into relationship today.
Rev. Josh Attaway is the Campus Pastor at St. Luke’s Edmond. Josh graduated from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois with a Masters in Divinity with a Concentration in Congregational Leadership. Josh is married to his wife, Brittany, and enjoys playing golf, traveling, reading, and adventure.
- Lent - 2019 - The Last Week - Dr. Bob Long, Rev. Wendy Lambert, and Rev. Josh Attaway
The Last Week
Explore the events of Jesus final week recorded in the Gospel. (Triumphal Entry, Clearing the Temple, Teaching on the Mount of Olives, The Last Supper, Foot Washing from John, or the arrest and trial)
Dr. Long is the Senior Pastor of St. Luke’s, and Rev. Lambert is the Senior Executive Pastor. Together they have co-taught WNA classes for over 10 years. Their unique back-and-forth teaching style keeps everyone engaged.
You can watch Dr. Long and Rev. Lambert’s class live each Wednesday evening during WNA by clicking here.
The Last Week
Rev. Josh Attaway | Edmond Camus
Explore the events of Jesus final week recorded in the Gospel. (Triumphal Entry, Clearing the Temple, Teaching on the Mount of Olives, The Last Supper, Foot Washing from John, or the arrest and trial)
Rev. Josh Attaway is the Campus Pastor at St. Luke’s Edmond. Josh graduated from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois with a Masters in Divinity with a Concentration in Congregational Leadership. Josh is married to his wife, Brittany, and enjoys playing golf, traveling, reading, and adventure.
- Winter 2019 - Playing the Harp or Fighting the Flames? Misconceptions and Beliefs on Salvation, Heaven and Hell - Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert
Playing the Harp or Fighting the Flames? Misconceptions and Beliefs on Salvation, Heaven and Hell
Bob and Wendy will explore the theology of Salvation and some of the most common questions on the subject: What does it mean to be “saved”? What is Heaven like? Does Hell exist? What must I do to receive eternal life? Join them for a fun and meaningful look into God’s plan of Salvation.
- Winter 2019 - The Essentials: What Do We Believe and Why? - Rev. Josh Attaway
The Essentials: What Do We Believe and Why?
When talking about what we should believe as Methodists, John Wesley famously said, “In the essentials, unity; in the non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” So, what are the essential beliefs of our faith around which we should have unity? By looking at the Apostles Creed, one of the oldest statements of faith of the Christian Church, we will dive deeper into our beliefs as Christians about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Church, and more.
- Fall 2018 - What it Means to be Methodist - Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert
How we can disagree over issues, yet still live and serve together as the family of faith.
What are the most important issues for Methodists? How do we handle differences of opinion within the family of faith? Are there certain things Methodists have to believe? John Wesley, the founder of Methodism said, “The distinguishing marks of a Methodist are not his opinions of any sort… as to all opinions which do not strike at the root of Christianity, we think and let think.” There are issues that have caused disagreements within many mainline denominations. Sometimes you might hear beliefs ascribed by some United Methodists that don’t represent your own beliefs. It is important that we know what we believe as individuals and as a family of faith. However, there is a difference between what we believe and our faith. Beliefs are our thoughts as to specific issues. The beliefs might be shaped by our upbringing, our culture, or the way we interpret scripture. Faith is the trust we have in God’s constant good will toward us as the children of God. Join us as we discuss some of the more divisive issues that churches can face and how we can still live together with respect.
Week 1 Slides | Week 2 Slides | Week 3 Slides | Week 4 Slides | Week 5 slides | Week 6 Slides | Week 7 Slides | Week 8 Slides
- Spring 2018 - 10 of the Best Known Stories of the Bible (and what you might not know about them!) - Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert
This Bible Study will look at some of the most familiar stories in a new light. We’ll look at people like Moses, David, Peter, Jesus – and more! Join Bob and Wendy for an in-depth look at some of your favorite Bible passages!
- Fall 2017 - The Gospel of John - Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert
Some of the most beautiful and most familiar passages of the Bible are found in John. The book of “The Gospel According to John” is the most unique of all four gospels. We will look at the scripture and the history behind his account of Jesus Christ. Join us as we do an in-depth study of the Gospel of John: the man, the myth, the message.
- Spring 2017 - Re-forming Our Faith Through the Reformation - Dr. Bob Long and Rev. Wendy Lambert
This class was taught in the spring of 2017. The Reformation had many different pathways from the German branch led by Luther to the Swiss branch led by John Calvin to the English Reformation influenced by the actions of King Henry VIII and his successors.