Latest Message

"Be Compassionate as your Heavenly Father is Compassionate"

March 2, 2025 | Dr. Bob Long

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Sunday Worship Schedule

Participate in worship with the St. Luke’s family of faith online, on campus, or on television!

Downtown Campus Worship

Sunday - 8:15 a.m. Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
Sunday - 9:30 a.m. LifeLight Contemporary in CLC

Edmond Campus Worship

Children and Youth

Nursery and Children’s Sunday School are available at both campuses on Sunday mornings. Find details on the Children and Youth page. 

St. Luke's TV Broadcast

10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on KOCO Channel 5

Enjoy a full hour of worship on KOCO Channel 5 on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. This hour long program including the sermon (one week delay), special music, scripture, and additional inspirational content to start your week with a message of hope. 


Visit the St. Luke’s Missions page to learn more about ways to volunteer in the community and around the world.

Grow in Faith

Through small groups, community groups, and Bible studies, find ways that you and your family can deepen your faith.


Are you interested in becoming a member of the St. Luke’s family of faith? We would love to welcome you! Find out more information about joining the church on the Membership page.

Daily Devotional


My first Sunday as the new organist of St. Luke’s was March 5, 1989. I remember it well. It snowed five inches that day. As a Texan, Oklahoma was one of those “Northern States,” and I was very excited for my first Oklahoma snowfall. However, my fondest memory of that Sunday was meeting and greeting the members of St. Luke’s. It was immediately evident that this was a warm and welcoming body of believers. I was 27, and it was my first job out of state, but I already felt I had made so many new friendships and “adopted” grandparents. Thus began the first of many years of building relationships.

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Daily Devotional

Season of Lent

I love the season of Lent. There is a beauty in the practice of self-reflection that helps us to become the people we are created to be. The season is a time to examine our lives in a way that directs us to a deeper understanding of the love that God has for us. It is one of the reasons that I appreciate the writings of Peter Abelard. Abelard lived from 1079 – 1142 and was a French philosopher and theologian. One of his most important contributions to Christianity was labeled as heresy – his views on the cross. In his time, the leading thought on why Christ died on the cross was that it was necessary for the forgiveness of sins.

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