Serving the community is at the heart of the mission of St. Luke’s. Find ways that you can bless the lives of others within the church, in the metro area, and worldwide.
Food Ministry
St. Luke’s has a rich history of aiding those in need of nourishment. For over 40 years, we have been delivering meals to seniors through Mobile Meals service. In 2019, we took on the responsibility of coordinating Meals on Wheels for all of Oklahoma County. Now, as Meals on Wheels Oklahoma City, we provide over 10,000 meals each month to homebound seniors. With the collaboration of church and community partners, along with countless St. Luke’s volunteers, we deliver meals six days a week to those who require assistance.
The pandemic significantly increased the demand for food within our community. In response, we launched the Community Market program in 2020, serving more than 250 families each week. This accessible program distributes produce, protein, and other food items to families and individuals through a volunteer-led food distribution every Friday. We work in partnership with the Regional Food Bank and other food resource centers to supply as much food as possible efficiently and effectively – a continuous need for financial support and volunteers is essential to maintain all our food initiatives.
St. Luke’s has several missions right here in the Oklahoma City Metro. Find your place in a range of rewarding volunteer opportunities from Meals on Wheels to after-school ministries.
We are called Share God’s Love and Bring hope to the World. To that end, St. Luke’s travels all over the globe seeking to bless the lives of others. From Alaska to Africa and many places between, learn about ways you can serve around the world.
Serve Within
Volunteers are the backbone of our church. We need your help to make ministry happen! From greeting to teaching, there are many ways that you can find a place to serve within the walls of the church.
Youth Mission Trips
The St. Luke’s Youth understand their call to bless the lives of others through service. In addition to churchwide missions, our youth plan mission trips during spring and summer breaks all over the state and country. Visit the campus Youth Ministry pages to learn more.
Community Partners
Circle of Care
City Rescue Mission
Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries
Cleats For Kids
Coolidge Elementary School
El Sistema Oklahoma
Fields & Futures
General Board of Global Ministries
HOPE Center of Edmond
Homeless Alliance
Infant Crisis Services
Lydia Patterson Institute
Neighborhood Services Organization
Oklahoma City Public Schools
Oklahoma City University
OU Wesley Foundation
People Caring For People
Project 66 Food & Resource Center
Rebuilding Together OKC
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
Restore OKC
SISU Youth Services
UMCOR Disaster Relief
Upward Transitions
Will Rogers Elementary School
Wings Special Needs Community
World Central Kitchen
World Neighbors
St. Luke's Missions
Africa Mission Trips
Community Market OKC
Disaster Relief
Interfaith Efforts
Meals on Wheels Oklahoma City
Russia Partnerships
Special Needs Ministry
Youth Force
Youth Mission Trips
Youth Week