Edmond Campus Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers make ministry possible. Find out ways you can volunteer your time and talents for the family of faith within the walls of the church.
Find Your Place to Serve
Volunteers make everything at the church– Sunday morning and weekday activities– possible. You can choose to be a greeter, welcoming event volunteer, or note writer on the Hospitality Team or donate your musical talents on our Worship Team or Bell Choir. There are truly so many ways you can get involved.
Volunteer positions are available to fit any schedule. There are roles for Sunday mornings, weekdays and special events throughout the year. You can choose to volunteer weekly, monthly, or as needed. Appropriate training and guidance will be provided, so please be encouraged to try something new!
Additional information is provided below. If you would like general information about a volunteer opportunity or have a new idea about a way to help, please fill out the form below and someone will be in contact with you.or
All you need is an active mind and body, ready to play and have fun with our children. You do not need to be a biblical scholar. You simply need to love God and have a desire to help children grow in their faith. Activities in the Children’s Ministry build a faith foundation for every child that will last a lifetime. Lessons and crafts are prepared ahead of time for each group, so you are not responsible for coming up with a lesson or the supplies.
All areas below are for working with Pre-Kindergarten to 5th grade and a background check is required prior to serving. New volunteers will shadow an active volunteer to become familiar with the responsibilities.
Children’s Area Greeters
Volunteers provide a smiling face and a friendly greeting to guests and members; directing families to the correct rooms and assisting in getting Sunday School off to a great start. Greeters serve once a month before service from 8:55 – 9:25 a.m. or 10:45 – 11:15 a.m.
Children’s Ministry Prep Team
Help prepare for all of the fun to take place on Sunday mornings in the Children’s Area. Volunteers work on Thursday afternoons stocking, cutting out items for crafts, and organizing materials for Sunday School.
Children’s Substitute Teachers
Volunteers are willing to fill in for regular teachers who are unable to teach on a Sunday or Wednesday.
Children’s Teachers
Teachers deliver prepared lessons to groups of children on Sunday mornings. Volunteers can serve every week or on a rotation. Volunteers are needed for two hours, once a month, which could be on Sunday morning or for Wednesday Night Alive.
Children’s Teaching Assistant
This group helps teachers with a variety of things during class (crafts, games, etc.), allowing the teacher to focus on the lesson. Volunteers are needed for two hours, once a month, which could be on Sunday morning or for Wednesday Night Alive.
Special Needs Shepherd
If you have a passion for supporting people with disabilities, you can become a “shepherd” for a child with special needs. Your help will allow parents to worship together while their child is supported and encouraged in the Children’s Ministry. For more information about this ministry, contact Tara Warwick directly at 503-6639.
For more information on ways to serve in the Children’s ministry, contact:
Jocelyn Morgan, Edmond Campus Director of Children’s Ministry
(405) 285-2313 | jmorgan@stlukesokc.org
This ministry reaches the family of faith and the community with St. Luke’s message of Sharing’s God’s Love and Bringing Hope to the World. We strive to inspire, inform, and invite participation in all ministry areas of St. Luke’s.
Communication Volunteers
This team helps with preparing, labeling, and distributing newsletters, mailings, bulletins, and other publications.
There is always something happening at St. Luke’s, and we would like to have a record of these events. If you are a skilled photographer, or still learning, you can put your talents to use by helping the communication team capture events and activities.
Social Media Ambassadors
This team supports the message of St. Luke’s by sharing it through social media. Through Facebook and Instagram, the message of St. Luke’s reaches around the world.
Tech Crew
This team provides behind-the-scenes support for all worship services. Volunteers run the sound equipment, cameras, slides, and video. Training is provided and teams work on a rotational basis.
TV Ministry
St. Luke’s message of hope reaches thousands of people each week through the TV ministry and online videos. Volunteers are needed to help record the 10:50 a.m. Traditional Worship service. Training is provided, and shifts are on a rotating schedule.
For more information on ways to serve in the Communication ministry, contact:
Brent Manning, Director of Communications
609-1031 | bmanning@stlukesokc.org
The Care Ministry provides care, concern, prayer, and support for families and individuals at various stages, places, and circumstances of life. We share in sorrow and in life’s celebrations, emotionally and physically as one body of Christ. This ministry consists of clergy and trained laity in the family of faith. We extend this care through cards of encouragement, hospital and home visits, phone calls, and email.
Caring Kitchen
Volunteers are needed to deliver prepared meals to members and guests who might need some extra kindness after surgery, the birth of a child, or other special circumstances. The St. Luke’s kitchen team prepares and freezes meals. All you have to do is pick them up and deliver them.
Prayer Team
Each week, members of our prayer team lift up the needs of our family of faith and community to God in prayer. Our prayer team is part of the overall Congregational Care Ministry of St. Luke’s Edmond. If you feel called to use your gifts to pray on behalf of others, we invite you to join our Prayer Team.
For more information on ways to serve in the
Congregational Care Ministry, contact:
Savannah White, Edmond Campus Director of LifeLight
285-2002 | swhite@stlukesokc.oCg
This team creates the intangible, warm, welcoming feel of the church. Anyone with a kind and outgoing personality can be part of the Hospitality Team. You will be paired up with a veteran team member on your first Sunday for support and to answer questions. Volunteers are encouraged to work up to two Sundays per month.
Donut and Coffee Crew
Prepare stations with coffee, ice water, donuts, and restock throughout the morning. 8 – 9:15 a.m. or 10:30 – 11 a.m.
If you are friendly and love to say “Hello!” to guests and friends alike, you’d make a great greeter! We are looking for friendly faces to be welcoming greeters and exit greeters at all entrances into the building, 15 minutes before and/or after services.
Parking Lot Ministry
Help direct traffic during the busiest times of the year and welcome guests as they arrive on campus. 10:30 – 11 a.m.
Tear Down Ministry
Help clean up after the last worship service by stacking chairs, cleaning donut areas, and recycling bulletins. 12:15 – 12:30 p.m.
Hand out bulletins, help the congregation find seats, collect the offering, count attendance, and assist during the service as needed, 15 minutes before and after service.
Welcome Bags
Thank our first-time guests for attending worship by delivering a Welcome Bag to their door. Simply knock and say “Thank you for visiting St. Luke’s” or leave the bag if no one answers. You will be assigned homes near where you live.
Welcome Center Host
Be a host at the Welcome Center to help guests and members find their way around the building, find information about upcoming events, and learn about St. Luke’s. Volunteers serve on Sundays from 8:45 – 9:20 a.m. or 10:30 – 11:05 a.m.
For more information on ways to serve in Hospitality, contact:
Logan Fish, Edmond Campus Director of Hospitality
285-2341 | lfish@stlukesokc.org
The music at St. Luke’s has always been exceptional. You can be part of this amazing tradition by singing or playing an instrument.
Chancel Choir
Volunteers sing in the Chancel Choir during the Traditional service on Sunday mornings and for special events. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m.
Children’s Choir
You can help with the Children’s Choir by serving as a crew leader or pianist. The Children’s Choir meets on Wednesday afternoons. No special musical abilities are needed.
Community Orchestra Set Up
You can help the Community Orchestra by creating the rehearsal space. Volunteers set up and tear down on Mondays, before and after the rehearsal each week.
For more information on ways to serve in the Music Ministry, contact:
Candace Fish, Edmond Campus Traditional Worship Leader
285-2321 | cfish@stlukesokc.org
St. Luke’s Youth Ministry is an exciting place for 6-12th graders to grow spiritually through a meaningful combination of Christian education and unforgettable fellowship. Our mission is to create memorable events and develop authentic relationships in an environment that will help youth to know their worth is in Christ and not the world.
Volunteers should have an active mind and body to interact with teenagers, love God, have a passion for helping teens be in relationship with God and others, have fun, and relate to what they are going through in life. All volunteers must complete a background check prior to serving.
Adult Sponsor
Volunteer for youth events throughout the year, including missions, summer camps, and youth fellowship events.
Confirmation Faith Friend
Volunteers are teamed up with a student as they are going through Confirmation, typically during the 6th grade. They are encouraged to pray for the student and attend some Confirmation events.
Bible Study Teacher
You will receive lesson plans ahead of time for teaching Bible studies. You will receive periodic training on mentoring youth and will have the support of the Youth Director to empower you in engaging in Youth ministry. Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9 and 11 a.m. and during Wednesday Night Alive.
For more information on ways to serve in the Youth Ministry, contact:
Schuyler Henderson, Edmond Campus Youth Director
(405) 285-2401 | shenderson@stlukesokc.org