Road Construction
We have major road construction happening on the main street right outside of our home neighborhood. The street will expand to more lanes, which is very much needed. The construction is happening for a mile between two of the major intersections. In this stretch of road, there are several neighborhood entrances and an elementary school. The time for this project to be complete is still months away and has been going on seriously for several months and even a couple of years, with planning and preparations for the major work that is being done now. In the life of this stretch of road, this is one of the most important things that will ever happen to this street!
Construction zones can often be frustrating. They are time-consuming, inconvenient, and often unavoidable. And sometimes we’re unsure if anything is really even getting done because there are standstills and delays. For this particular project, we know we are in for the long haul that will take months, even years. When it’s all complete, everyone will benefit from the work that is done, but until then, it’s slow, often backed up, and not the most enjoyable to drive along. I think this is the same way with times in our own lives or the lives of others when we go through times of “construction.” It can feel frustrating or inconvenient, it can be time-consuming and it often feels at a standstill.
Growth and maturity in our life is good, but it can sometimes be painful or challenging. It might take longer than you like, and sometimes, it might not even feel like anything is happening. One of the most important things to remember is that God is with us. God is faithful always and does not abandon us in these times, but he is always at work. A chorus of a song by Steve Green that is based in Philippians 1:6 has been echoing in my mind: “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. He who started the work will be faithful to complete it in you.”
If you are in a time of growth – especially if it’s a slow and frustrating time – focus on the truth that God is in the business of completing what he starts. Remind yourself of the good that can come from the moments of doing the necessary work and what the end result will be. Maybe the work that is being done in your life now will also be one of the most important times in your life that will happen as well – just like the construction work that is happening near me is one of the most important things that will ever happen to that street. God is faithful.
Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministry & Discipleship