Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Ministry seeks to extend the love of Christ to those whose celebrations, sadness, and transition impact their lives. In this ministry of prayer, we pray for ourselves, for others, for the community, and for the world.
Prayer Request
Pastoral Care Ministry Programs
Whether you are looking for support or would like to become a volunteer with the Congregational Care Team, St. Luke’s offers a variety of ways to connect.
The St. Luke’s family of faith has always been faithful in prayer for our military members. We know that military assignments are subject to changes and we are asking that all military families let us know who is currently serving and where. If they are serving out of town, we would also appreciate an address or email for each of them so we can let them know that they are being prayed for.
Please use the Prayer Request form above to submit names.
Are you in a challenging situation of caring for a loved one with a chronic or terminal illness? You can be a part of the “Edmond Caregivers Support Group.” You don’t have to be a member of St. Luke’s to find support and educational resources with loving people who understand the journey you are walking. Meetings are currently on hold due to the Coronavirus health crisis.
We are also looking for someone interested in co-facilitating this group who has a heart for caregivers. Prior experience as a support group facilitator is preferred, but not required. Training will be provided.
For details on attending or co-facilitating the group, please email Rev. Josh Attaway at jattaway@stlukesokc.org or call (405) 285-2307.
Congregational Care Ministry is a team of trained laity extending the care to the St. Luke’s family of faith in times of joy and challenge. This includes but is not limited to issues of health, tragedy, births, deaths and celebrations of all sorts, weddings, new jobs, professional awards.
The Columbarium and Memorial Garden is located directly east of the Downtown Campus Sanctuary along Robinson Avenue. This sacred space holds the cremated remains of loved ones who have entered the Kingdom of Heaven. Niches, holding one or two urns, are available for a tax-deductible donation. We invite you to tour the Columbarium after worship on any Sunday. Contact Rev. Phil Greenwald at 232-1371 or pgreenwald@stlukesokc.org to learn more about selecting a niche for your family.
Addiction affects nearly every family in some way. Complex and arduous, the journey to recovery is often a long one. The church is called to be a safe place to start the conversation about recovery with individuals and families in need. Faith Partners Ministry is a link between the St. Luke’s Family of Faith and recovery resources in the community.
When you contact the Faith Partners Ministry, you can expect confidentiality, acceptance, guidance, education, and referral support for individuals and families touched by all forms of addiction disease, including but not limited to: alcoholism, drug dependency, gambling, food, sex and relationships, and pornography.
With a network of volunteers offering guidance in many areas of addiction, Faith Partners can help you find acceptance and compassion within the walls of the church and outside help like 12-step programs, local counselors and therapists, and treatment facilities to take the next step in recovery.
For more information, email jattaway@stlukesokc.org.
The St. Luke’s Care Team is here for you in times of loss. For information about St. Luke’s Clergy or facilities for a funeral, contact Rev. Dave Poteet, Pastor of Congregational Care.
The Intercessory Prayer team dedicates time everyday to pray for the needs of the church family. The prayer team brings the joys and concerns of this church, and those for whom we care, to God.
St. Luke’s is honored to offer the Wedding Ministry for your very special occasion of holy marriage. Weddings are available for both our members and guests to the congregation. The wedding ceremony is a worship service where the bride and groom pledge themselves to one another in the presence of God and begin their marriage with Christ as the foundation.
For information about weddings at St. Luke’s, email Linda Alden, St. Luke’s Wedding Coordinator.

Rev. Dave Poteet | Pastor of Congregational Care