Pomp and Circumstance

I’ve had a love/hate relationship with the musical piece “Pomp and Circumstance” since I was in junior high. I’ve always loved to hate it. That’s because starting in junior high, […]


What are you Reading?

We’re all sheltering in place and praying for the eventual vaccine to be developed sooner rather than later. Help me out and play along with this post. Please tell me the following:
1. What book, other than the Bible (hopefully we’re all spending some time each day reading scripture!), you’re reading now (or plan on reading.)

2. The title of the book, other than the Bible, that you read last.

3. Your favorite book of all time, (other than the Bible.)


Love Like Crazy

A few weeks ago, I had the incredible joy of being in Corinth, Greece. I was leading a group that was following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul. Corinth […]



Once we arrived in Thessalonica, we began our exploration of the ministry of Paul. The city of 1 million people was named by the general Cassander in honor of his wife, Thessalonike, who also happened to be the sister of Alexander the Great. We saw the famous White Tower.  Originally it was nicknamed “The Bloody Tower” for the time when the region was held by the Ottomans who used the tower as a place to imprison and kill Christians. When Greece gained its independence it was whitewashed and renamed. From there we walked down the shore of the Aegean Sea to the statue of Alexander the. Great on his horse, Bucephalas.


On to Greece!

We are just beginning our trip to visit the places in Greece and Turkey important to the ministry of St. Paul and the early church. With all of the hustle it took to get here, I am reflecting on the journey of Paul in comparison to our hurried way of getting through as much life as possible. Paul walked around his ministry areas and spent time with the people, while we tend to pride ourselves on “busyness.” There is a lot to be said of slowing down and spending time with people—of living life with others, of caring for others so much that we even smell like them. 


Wednesdays with Wendy


I am on my way to Africa! Currently, I’m in NYC waiting for my first international flight. Our group will fly to Amsterdam and then on to Nairobi, Kenya. I have been up since 2:40 am and I’ll be honest, it is starting to catch up with me. It will 30 hours of travel time to get there. Typing that makes me even more tired (especially since the bulk of the trip is before us!) Yet, the fact that I can leave my house in Oklahoma City and be in Nairobi in a little more than a day – is an amazing testimony to the development of transportation. 


Wednesdays with Wendy

Broadway Revue

Several years ago I took my son, Brooks, to the Star Wars concert in Tulsa. Basically, they had hired local musicians and singers to perform the very familiar musical pieces from the Star Wars movies while they played different scenes from the movies on large screens. The stadium was packed for the event and I remember thinking how clever it was to take the movies that had already been created and then display clips from them in a new way. It was really innovative.


Wednesdays with Wendy

Proud Mom

My husband Chris and I took our daughter Hannah and son Brooks to the Worlds of Fun Theme Park. It was a fun day and we had a great time together. At one point, Chris, Hannah, and Brooks went to ride a specific ride while I waited in a park restaurant. A group of young teenagers were sitting in the back part of the restaurant and proceeded to get louder and louder.


Wednesdays with Wendy

J. Warren & Dr. McDaniel

I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch the video below. It’s a performance by J. Warren Mitchell accompanied by Dr. Jan McDaniel. I’ve always loved hearing Dr. McDaniel play the piano – he has incredible talent and you hear the emotions of a musical piece as he plays. In the clip below, you can hear his talent as he accompanies the amazing voice of J. Warren Mitchell. A few years ago I was blessed to hear the two of them perform in a small setting, to a small group of people. I was moved to tears by the performance. 
