Love and Kindness

My daughter and I were running a few errands together. We had a great afternoon. One of our stops was to pick up my suit from the cleaners. My dry cleaners are located just up the street from my house. It is in a very convenient place, right on my way to work. They always do a great job on my clothes. They are excellent at removing the many stains I seem to collect throughout the week.

I don’t just go to these cleaners because of the convenient location, or because they do a great job removing stains.  I go to my cleaners because of how I am treated every time I walk in the door. I am always greeted with a warm smile and most often I am greeted by name. It is amazing to me that they know my name. After all, I know I am not their only customer…


Sharing Gifts from God

We often struggle with the notion that God has given each of us gifts to share. I have had many conversations with people who feel like they do not have gifts to share. This could not be further from the truth. The scriptures are clear, “each has received a gift.”  

I was recently thinking about my mother and how she used her gifts in service to God. My mother was not a musician, preacher, Bible study teacher, or many of the other things we think of when we hear about the gifts God has given. However, I can tell you that many of my mission trip experiences were made special because of the work my mother did for our mission in advance…


Setbacks to Opportunities

Several years ago, we took a family vacation to Branson, Missouri. I took the wrong exit and, the next thing you know, we were almost to Arkansas. We had no intention of visiting the Natural State before we arrived in Missouri, but a wrong turn, great family conversation, and a little bit of inattentiveness led us off our predetermined path.

This trip was before GPS and iPhone that could tell us where to go. Now we were off schedule and off our printed map. It was not a great way to start our vacation. It was a setback to our schedule.

Life is full of setbacks. Some are small, like a wrong turn in Tulsa. Some setbacks are big. So often we have plans and dreams that get interrupted. The Apostle Paul knew about setbacks all too well…


Called to Tell the World

The disciples were faced with a difficult task when Jesus was crucified, rose from the grave, and ascended into heaven. Jesus asked them to continue the work he begun and, “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19) The book of Acts is the story of how the disciples worked to fulfill this commission given to them.

In the fourth chapter of Acts, Luke records that Peter and John were speaking to a large group of people in Jerusalem. They were recalling the many wonderful things that Jesus had said and done while he was on earth. They were telling the people that the same Jesus is still alive and now with the Father in heaven. Many in the gathering were amazed by the story they were telling. However, the authorities were not amused…


Acts 4:33-37

And with great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles’ feet; and distribution was made to each as any had need. Thus Joseph who was surnamed by the apostles Barnabas (which means, Son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, sold a field which belonged to him, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.


Psalm 46:1-3

God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear though the earth should change,
    though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; 

though its waters roar and foam,
    though the mountains tremble with its tumult.


For All God’s People

The letter to the Colossians is one of the Apostle Paul’s most substantial writings. There are few books in the Bible with deeper reflection on who Christ is and the work of Christ in the world. Paul writes this letter to encourage the Colossians, and to remind them of all that they are because of Christ.  It is a rich and deeply thought out understanding of Christ. The Book of Colossians is a short work by Paul. It is only four chapters long. I hope you will take time to read it today.

I was recently reading Colossians and a phrase stood out to me…


We Belong Together

We were created to work together for God’s good purposes. That is a difficult truth for us to wrestle with. The world we live in often tells us that we are better by ourselves. We celebrate rugged individualism. We value individual achievement. However, God designed us to work with one another.

I recently watched a video that reminded me of how God calls us together, to make a difference in the world. This video was taken in the middle of a busy street in Berlin, Germany.  Just before the video begins, a large commuter bus strikes an 18-year-old pedestrian. The young man was thrown under the bus and caught under the axel.  It was a terrifying moment as people watched him become trapped and injured…


A Force For Good

When I was a kid my friends and I spent hours playing with our Star Wars toys.  I cannot begin to count the amount of lightsaber battles I was a part of in my own back yard.  This is why I love this story about the Chick-Fil-A in Columbus, Georgia where the employees had a galactic battle with a little boy.

The Merrikens took their entire family for “Galaxy Night” at their local Chick-Fil-A. Their 8-year-old son, Caleb was excited to take part in the festivities. When they arrived, Caleb, who has spinal muscular atrophy and is confined to a wheelchair, found it difficult to join the other kids in the restaurant. Caleb was sad. He is a huge Star Wars fan. Sadly, he felt excluded from the evening’s events.  Caleb’s mom was willing to duel with him and asked an employee to borrow his lightsaber for a moment. Caleb and his mom went outside to battle…


Warrick Dunn

One football player I loved to watch was Warrick Dunn. Warrick Dunn became a nationally known player while at Florida State University. As a running back, Dunn ran for over 1,000 yards in 3 straight seasons. He was selected as an All-American and helped lead Florida State to a National Championship. He would be drafted in the first round to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and in his first season would win the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year. He would have an exceptional career in the NFL.

Warrick Dunn’s success on the football field was extraordinary. However, his work to make others successful is what he has dedicated his life to beyond the gridiron. Warrick Dunn grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He had a loving mother who worked so hard to support her family. As a single mother, she did all she could to bless her family. Her dream was to one day purchase a home for herself and her children.
