We Should Pray

“One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” – Luke 6:12

The gospels record many parts of Jesus’ life. One thing that all four gospel writers include is that Jesus was faithful in prayer. There are so many occasions that Jesus prayed. At times, he prayed short prayers of gratitude. He prayed before significant acts of ministry. Jesus often would go away and pray.

Luke records that Jesus, “went out to a mountainside to pray.” He spent the entire night out, away from those who were following him and immersed himself in prayer. Immediately after this time, he selected the twelve disciples, healed many people, and offered one of his most significant teachings, all this in Luke chapter 6.

Luke’s gospel story is teaching far more than the stories written on the page…


Passions and Hobbies

Mikayla Freeman is a mother of an 8-year-old son with a passion for cars. Mikayla’s son, Tristan, loves just about anything with wheels, but he is a big fan of sports cars. As Mikayla was preparing for Tristan’s birthday, she decided to try something different. She reached out to a few local car clubs, via social media, to see if she could get a few cars to do a show in her neighborhood. She knew that even a few cars would make Tristan’s day. In her post, Mikayla said, “He is a major car guy.” She just wanted to help make Tristan’s day special.

What happened on Tristan’s birthday left Mikayla speechless…


Look for God

George Strait is a country music legend. His music career started in 1981 and since that time he has become one of the best-selling music artists of all time. George Strait holds the world record for the most number one hit singles across all charts and genres. His list of accomplishments continues to grow. I have enjoyed the music of George Strait since I was a kid. I have loved to listen to his music, see him in concert, and I even like his movies.

I was recently listening to some old George Strait music while working on a project at my house. The lyrics to a song I had heard so many times caught my attention and offered me an important reminder. The song is “I Saw God Today.”


Luke 9:23-25

Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.  What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?


1 Peter 4:8-10

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.  Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”


A Gift from God

Growing up in church, there was always someone from my family in choir. My grandmother was the church pianist and led the choir. I had aunts, uncles, and cousins who were a big part of the music ministry. I am blessed to share in a small part of that gift of music.  I play a few instruments (not very well) and I love to sing. I have spent some time in the church choir and other music ministries. My talent is limited, but I am always willing to share, especially when it comes to worship.

Part of my willingness to share comes from the encouragement I received from my grandmother, early in life. She gave me a small little sign that hung in my room for many years.

This sign read…


Help Others

Stephane and Marie-Eve are a couple from Quebec, Canada. They went on a warm vacation to St. Augustine, Florida. While swimming in the warm waters off the Florida coast, Stephane lost his wedding band. He was devastated. They looked and looked but no luck. Others joined in the search to help find this precious reminder of his love for his bride. Before long, they began to lose hope that they would ever find his wedding band.

That is when they spotted Joseph Cook…


All Saints Day

On November 1, Christians celebrate All Saints Day. This special day is celebrated in many ways around the world. It is a time to celebrate all the faithful people who followed Christ and now rest from the labors in the kingdom eternal. All Saints Day is significant because it is a reminder to us that our faith is much bigger than ourselves and our local congregation. We are part of a large body of believers, both on earth and in heaven. All Saints Day is a reminder to us that we are not alone in our faith, and the people who have gone before us have helped to lay a foundation of hope and grace that we now build our lives upon…


NICU Costumes

Tonight, children will fill my neighborhood in search of candy. This includes my own family. They will wear costumes, their glow sticks will light up the sky, and we will witness Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Princesses, and so many more characters swarming the streets looking to fill up their buckets.

Unfortunately, not all families will be celebrating Halloween in this way. Some families have little ones in the hospital. They are unable to go door to door, in the search for candy. For over seven years now, the families who have a child in the NICU at St. Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri are able to experience a little joy, thanks to some special volunteers who help care for these precious newborns. The NICU is for extremely premature babies who need constant medical assistance These babies are unable to go home with their families.  Because of the special needs of these tiny children, their families spend day and night in the NICU.

A group of volunteers with the March of Dimes and St. Luke’s Hospital decided to help the families in the NICU celebrate Halloween…


And Can It Be

Many people know about John Wesley. John was the founder of the Methodist movement. He freely used his gifts to help start one of the great awakenings in the life of the church. There is another Wesley that played a significant part in the start of the Methodist movement. Charles Wesley is the younger brother of John. John provided the leadership while Charles provided the poetry, lyrics, and hymns that brought passionate music to the life of the church.

Charles Wesley had many gifts, including preaching, teaching, and scholarship. However, it was his ability to poetically write words that so wonderfully share the story of faith. In his lifetime, Charles Wesley wrote over 6,500 hymns and poems, many of which are still used in worship today…
