Victory in Europe Day

  Welcome Video Celebrating VE Day It was 75 years ago on this very day – May 8, 1945 – when church bells rang out across the United States, their […]


What are you Reading?

We’re all sheltering in place and praying for the eventual vaccine to be developed sooner rather than later. Help me out and play along with this post. Please tell me the following:
1. What book, other than the Bible (hopefully we’re all spending some time each day reading scripture!), you’re reading now (or plan on reading.)

2. The title of the book, other than the Bible, that you read last.

3. Your favorite book of all time, (other than the Bible.)


State of the Church Meeting

“Through your volunteering and your financial gifts, we are making a difference.  You truly are sharing God’s love and you are bringing hope to so many in need.  Thank you […]
