Season Pass
A Season Pass is required to attend Esther Women events in person.
The cost for the Season Pass is $275 for either location.
Registration is open for both the Downtown and Edmond locations. Please note, due to limited seating at each location, you must attend the location you register for. However, if you wish to attend both locations, you can purchase a Season Pass for both. To register for your season pass, click the registration link above.
Unless otherwise specified on the Speaker Schedule page, we will meet at each location for lunch and a presentation from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
If capacity is reached, please sign up for the waiting list. We will let those on the waiting list know when a pass becomes available. If you are on the waiting list, you will also receive free access to the Live Stream pass.
The Downtown location is in the Christian Life Center at St. Luke’s Methodist Church. There is free and ample parking at NW 14 and Harvey.
The Edmond location is in the Worship Center at St. Luke’s Edmond Campus. There is free and ample parking at 900 N. Sooner Road, Edmond, OK 73034.
We will continue offering a live stream option from the Downtown location on Wednesdays with On-Demand available for Season Pass and Live Stream members. God has provided outstanding speakers who are skilled at telling their faith stories.
If you have trouble registering online or need any additional information, please call our coordinator, Lauren Clanin, at (405) 609-1030 or email her.
Contact Esther Women OKC
Phone: (405) 609-1030
Email: lclanin@stlukesokc.org
Website: estherwomenokc.org
Mailing Address:
St. Luke’s Methodist Church c/o Esther Women
222 NW 15th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73103