2024 - 2025 Speaker Schedule
We are excited to be able to join together in person at two places this year. Esther Women will meet at St. Luke’s Downtown Campus on Wednesday and then have an encore recorded version of the speaker for St. Luke’s Edmond Location on the following day, Thursday.
A season pass is required to attend the Esther Women luncheon for the location you are registered for, you cannot switch locations.
We will still have the Live Stream available for Wednesday’s events if you have a registration for either location or who cannot attend in person. If you are a Season Pass Holder you do not need to register for the Live Stream Pass, but if you are not a Season Pass Holder, please sign up for the Live Stream Pass by clicking the link above.
Downtown Location:
September 4
Edmond Location:
September 5

Bob Johnson | The Story of Queen Esther
Robert M. “Bob” Johnson is a Thomas, Oklahoma native who attended Oklahoma State University and the University of Oklahoma College of Law. He also proudly served in the United States Army. Bob joined the Oklahoma City firm of Crowe & Dunlevy in 1967. Following the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City in 1995, Mayor Ron Norick appointed Bob as the first Chairman of the Memorial Task Force. He was also appointed as Chairman of the Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust by President Bill Clinton and reappointed by President George W. Bush. Johnson resides in Oklahoma City with his wife Gennie and proud father to Brook and Brent, Tyfanna’s father-in-law, and Kirby and Burke’s grandfather.
Music is provided by Kyle Dillingham, “Oklahoma’s Musical Ambassador.”
Lunch Menu: Romaine Salad, Honey Garlic Chicken, Potato Medley, Bistro Vegetables, Roll, Cakes
Downtown Location:
October 2
Edmond Location:
October 3

Ryan Davis | An Enduring Faith Through the Unimaginable.
U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Ryan Davis grew up in Edmond, Oklahoma. He enlisted in the Army in 2012 after earning a sociology degree from the University of Texas Arlington, where he also played baseball.
On August 16, 2019, Ryan triggered an explosion in Afghanistan while his team was conducting a raid. Due to the blast, Ryan underwent 28 life-saving surgeries, leaving him as a triple amputee, losing his right arm above the elbow, right leg above the knee, and left leg below the knee.
With the support and generosity of the American people, the Gary Sinise Foundation built a specially adapted smart home for Ryan Davis and his remarkable wife, Asia and son Knox in Savannah, Georgia.
Kent Ogle, news anchor at KFOR, will introduce Ryan in honor of their long friendship.
Lunch Menu: Spinach Salad, Ham Steaks, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Roll, Cookies
November (2nd week)
Downtown Location:
November 13
Edmond Location:
November 14

November 13* Shelia Walsh | God is faithful, and He is holding you!
From Scotland, Sheila is an author, Bible teacher, and television host. She has spoken around the world to over 6 million people. Sheila now hosts numerous shows on the TBN Television Network, America’s most-watched faith and family channel including the flagship show “Praise” and the talk show “Better Together” reaching a potential daily audience of 2 billion people through TV and the TBN app.
A two-time Grammy nominated recording artist, Sheila has recorded over 24 albums.
Sheila’s books have sold almost 6 million copies, including multiple bestsellers.
Texas is her home, where she lives with her husband Barry, and one little crazy dog Maggie. Their son Christian is in graduate school.
Lunch Menu: Mix green Salad, Chicken Alfredo, Vegetable Primavera, Garlic Bread, Brownies
December (2nd Week)
All Together at the Downtown Location
December 11

Voices of Lee Christmas Program
The program is 11:30 a.m. Reception follows in the CLC.
Sponsored by Richard and Mo Anderson
One of the best a capella groups in the country, Voices of Lee, brings a musical Christmas to Oklahoma. The 15-member ensemble from Lee University in Cleveland, Tenessee began in 1994. Directed by Danny Murray, they were propelled into the national spotlight on NBC’s “The Sing-Off,” a competition of a cappella groups. Out of thousands of auditions, Voices of Lee was selected as one of eight groups to compete and featured on four prime-time NBC network episodes. After nationwide voting, the ensemble finished as the second runner-up.
The Voices of Lee have also appeared on Good Morning America and performed for Christmas at the White House, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, and the Shanghai International Music Festival in China. They were also voted one of the favorite groups by the Contemporary A Cappella Society of America and, in 2018, were awarded “Favorite Collegiate Group,” “Favorite Religious Group,” and “Favorite Video” by the International A Cappella Music Awards. Most recently, their video recordings have exceeded 103 million views online.
Reception Menu: Heavy passed apps, fruit, Cookies, Punch, Tea, water
January (2nd week)
Downtown Location:
January 8
Edmond Location:
January 9

Rev. Jessica Moffett | The Power of Humor
Rev. Jessica Moffatt is a pastor, author, public speaker, mediator and Spiritual Director. Most recently, she has been the Senior Pastor of Church of the Servant in Oklahoma City. She previously served as the Senior Pastor of First United Methodist Church in Tulsa. A graduate of Emory University, Rev. Moffett has also worked with the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland in the area of International Church Relations. She is the owner of The Tulsa Center for Reconciliation and Renewal, providing conflict resolution coaches for congregations, corporations, non-profits, families, and other groups. Jessica has been named as one of Ten Outstanding Tulsans. She is the Chair of the Board for Stand in the Gap Ministries, an organization that serves “widows, orphans and prisoners.” She also serves as Chaplain and Spiritual Director for She Brews Transition Program, working with women coming out of prison.
Lunch Menu: House Salad, Roasted Pork loin, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots, Cakes
Downtown Location:
February 5
Edmond Location:
February 6

Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe from Uganda
For the last 30 years, Sister Rosemary has answered the call to serve the least among us from the epicenter of bloody and violent civil wars that decimated northern Uganda and South Sudan. Armed with only a sewing machine, Sister Rosemary openly defied the Lord’s Resistance Army in their 20-year reign of terror. Since 2002, Sister Rosemary has enrolled more than 2,000 girls who had been previously abducted by LRA or abandoned by their families. She has taught these brave girls to become self-reliant and change agents for peace and prosperity.
Sister Rosemary has received recognition for her ministry from around the world. She was a CNN hero in 2007 and one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in 2014.
Lunch Menu: Caesar Salad Lasagna, Mixed Vegetables, Breadsticks, Tiramisu
Downtown Location:
March 5
Edmond Location:
March 6

Veronica Karaman | An Athletes Journey of Faith.
Veronica Karaman’s passion in life is equipping and inspiring champions for Christ in academics, athletics, and women’s roles. She is a faith-based peak performance coach, speaker, educator, golf professional, and best-selling author of eight books, including her latest, God, Make Me a Champion! An Athlete’s Journey of Faith into the Power of Surrender.
A graduate of Duke University, Veronica holds two master’s degrees and is the founder of TrueChampionAcademy.com and Veronica Karaman Ministries, Inc. Still an active competitor, Veronica played in the 2024 US Senior Women’s US Open. She loves using champion mindsets from sports to activate faith in others. Her claim to fame was helping to turn around her mother’s terminal heart condition when she was given six months to live at 85 years old. Teaching her the game of golf activated her inner champion and spark for life. She lived seven more fruitful years as the mother-daughter duo created lasting memories and redeemed a lost relationship.
Lunch Menu: Spinach Salad, Beef Tenderloin, Asparagus, Baby Baker Potato, roll, Cookies
All Together at the Downtown Location
April 2
Presentation in Sanctuary at 11:30 a.m.
(Doors open at 11 a.m.)
Reception following in Christian Life Center

Arthur C. Brooks | Live Better. Be Happier.
Arthur Brooks is a Harvard professor, PhD social scientist, #1 bestselling author, and columnist at The Atlantic, who specializes in using the highest levels of science and philosophy to provide people with actionable strategies to live their best lives. Arthur provides happiness training and professional development to businesses, academia, government, and faith communities based on cutting-edge research in social science and neuroscience, as well as philosophy and wisdom traditions. A frequent guest on national television, Brooks has been selected as one of Fortune Magazine’s “50 World’s Greatest Leaders” and has been awarded seven honorary doctorates.
His most recent #1 New York Times bestseller, Build the Life You Want: The Art and Science of Getting Happier, was co-authored with Oprah Winfrey.
Downtown Location:
May 7
Edmond Location:
May 8

Mo Anderson, Nancy Ellis, Marsha Long | Your faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 119:90
Join the mothers, daughters and granddaughters who have lived their faith “through all generations,” which is a phrase found often in scripture.
In this day of decreased church attendance and a more secular society, how do we pass on our deep faith to our children and grandchildren? Hear from those who are living that reality and how they’ve tapped into God’s promise to bless us “through all generations.”
Three beloved women from OKC, Mo Anderson, Nancy Ellis, and Marsha Long, will share how they encourage a family Christian culture for their families. Their daughters or granddaughters will join them.
Lunch Menu: House Salad, BBQ Chicken, Pasta Salad, Baked Beans, Rolls, Dessert Bars