
One of my favorite events of the year is here! On the Wednesday evening before Halloween, our organist and choirmaster, Robert Fasol, puts on a scary organ concert. He takes some fun “not-so-scary” tunes and plays them on the organ. Together with the video and special lighting talents of the Communications Team, it is a memorable evening!


El Sistema

El Sistema is an orchestra that takes children from some of our inner city schools, matches them with an instrument based on their talents and desires, teaches them how to play their instrument, and then gives them their own instrument to keep. But truly, El Sistema is about so much more than just training these children and youth to become musicians. El Sistema is about giving them opportunities and helping them to see the impact they can have in the world.


Be Who You Are

When I drove my son to cross country practice early this morning, I noticed my “low tire” light. I came home to finish getting ready for work and once there, got the portable air compressor out of the trunk. Now my husband would have been glad to air up my tire for me, but to be honest, I kind of enjoy doing basic car maintenance. Let me clarify – I enjoy only the most basic of car maintenance: washing my car, putting gas in my car, refilling the washer wiper fluid, airing up the tires…yep, that’s it. But that tiny little venture into car repair is fun for me.


Arnold Palmer

I was very sad to hear the news of the death of Arnold Palmer earlier this week. He was an incredible golfer and an even more incredible human being. His greatest rival was Jack Nicklaus.


International Day of Peace

Today is the International Day of Peace. It is a day to commit ourselves to establishing peace here and around the world. But today I reflect on just how distant peace seems to be at this moment. In the past week there have been bombings and stabbings. There have been the videos that show police-involved shootings of African Americans. News agencies reported of how a nine year old child was so bullied at school that he took his own life.


Back to School

I’m convinced there are two main types of people: those who don’t care for back to school, and those who love hanging out at Office Depot anytime during the year because it reminds them of back to school! I am definitely in the latter group; I love back to school season.


National S’mores Day

Today is National S’Mores Day. I didn’t realize that until I saw a note on a news site. I had two thoughts the moment I read the headline: first, they seem to create “National Days” for just about anything, and second, I could go for a s’more right now.


Driving through the Forest

I drove to the area around Tahlequah to pick my son up from cross country camp. I noticed that I didn’t have cell service at several times and so I was uncertain as to my location. I was surrounded by thick forest and it seemed full of shadows. But once I found that I was on the right road and near the campground, the very same forest seemed to change.


Justice for All

This past Sunday, I added something to the morning. Without even thinking about it, I got up and went on the internet to check the news. I wanted to see if any tragedies had occurred since the night before.



Gertjie was just a baby when his mother was killed by a poacher. He was taken to a specialized rehabilitation center but there were fears about his survival. The keepers introduced him to “Lammie” a young lamb brought in at just 3 weeks old. They bonded immediately.
