July 20, 2016

Sunday mornings are very busy. I tend to get up, get ready, make sure my son is up and ready to go, rehearse the sermon one more time when I’m preaching, and then try to leave the house by 6:20 a.m. That gives me time to get to my office and plan through the morning before being at the worship walk-through at 7:00 a.m. We walk through the 8:30/10:50 Downtown services in the sanctuary and do a sound check for everyone, then head to the Christian Life Center to do the same for the 9:40 worship service.
Although I get up early, it tends to be a packed morning right up till worship begins. It is routine for me and I do the same thing every single Sunday.

Until this past Sunday. I added something to the morning. Without even thinking about it, I got up and went on the internet to check the news. I wanted to see if any tragedies had occurred since the night before.

The fact that checking the news became an instant normality in my Sunday morning routine startled me. Even more alarming was that within a few hours of my initial search, there would be another police shooting in Baton Rouge.

I want all justice for all of humanity.
I want the life and dignity of each woman, man, and child to be protected.
I want to be a part of showing love and respect for all of humanity.
I want to wake up in the morning and not expect something bad to be on the newsfeed.

Today, I will do an intentional act of kindness for a stranger. It won’t be monumental. It won’t heal all the brokenness in the world around me. But perhaps, it will be an encouragement to someone who has been checking the news first thing in the morning.