Site Results

St. Luke’s Children’s Center

About us St. Luke’s childcare centers offer full day, five-day a week programs for children in a supportive, safe, and loving atmosphere. St. Luke’s has […]


May As you read through the Bible take time each day to: Reflections on the Scripture What surprised or inspired you? What questions do you […]

Journey to Esther June Trip

Queen Esther Trip to Branson Register Below for June 7-8, 2024 Special Per Person Pricing: Adults (18+): $160Youth (13-17): $120Children (3-12): $100 Hotel Pricing:  King […]

Event Results

Mission Results

School Supply Drive

You can be a part of helping the children of St. Luke’s after-school programs by donating to the School Supply Drive. Everything you generously give […]

Honduras Mission Trip

In 2018, there will be three opportunities to travel to Roatan, Honduras. Mission teams spend one week providing a variety of assistance through construction projects, Bible school, medical...

Russia Mission Trip

Since 1992, St. Luke’s has partnered with people in Ulyanovsk, Russia to share Christ's love, grow in our faith, and serve those in need.

Volunteer Results

Karing Kitchen Team – Edmond Campus

The Karing Kitchen team delivers prepared meals to members and guests who have experienced a loss in the family, recovering from surgery, or have a new birth in the family.

Sermon Results

And Their Eyes Were Opened

At the time, the disciples thought that the Crucifixion was the most devastating thing to occur to the ministry of Jesus. But through the Resurrection, their eyes were opened and they saw the Crucifixion in a new light. The Risen…

For God So Loved the World

For God so loved the world…The season of Lent is a time to reflect on our relationship with Christ; and it begins with His love for us. Part of our journey toward Easter includes a focus on the cross; rather…

A Year In The Bible

ave you ever read through the entire Bible? When you practice the discipline of daily Bible reading and pair that with a commitment to read it from cover to cover it becomes a journey of discovery. It provides answers but…

Love God and Love All

Of all the teachings of the Bible, we are told the one that Christ considered most important. He said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.…

A Thrill of Hope

The song, “O Holy Night” is one of the most famous and cherished Christmas carols of all time. It highlights the ordinary night that became extraordinary because Jesus was born. Sometimes it is in the darkness that Christ comes to…

What a Difference You've Made

We all have stories to share about the difference that God has made in our lives. As we consider all the ways that Christ has made a difference in our lives, we can not help giving thanks. Not only do…

Three Questions

It is important for each of us to wrestle with the deeper issues of life from time to time. Typically, our search for meaning tends to revolve around three questions. Who am I? Where do I fit in? What difference…

St. Luke's on Broadway 2023

St. Luke’s on Broadway is back! What is it about Broadway that excites our minds and touches our hearts? The music? The dancing? Of course! But sometimes a story is so powerful, we can see ourselves in the characters. We…

Let My People Go

God has given us freedom in deciding how we will live. It is up to us to use that gift to the fullest. What are the areas of our lives that are still held by the past, by fear, by…

Going Forward

Sometimes we get stuck. Maybe it’s because we get too comfortable where we are or we’re afraid of the future, or perhaps we have trouble moving away from the pain in our past. Throughout the Bible are numerous examples of…

Love Wins

In the midst of conflict and confusion, it is important to remember that we are not alone. Christ is with us. Christ came to be with us and show us the way to really triumph over adversities. In Christ’s life…

God Bless Us, Every One!

Throughout the season of Advent we encounter the message of Christmas. In shopping venues, social media posts, and movies we hear the message of Good News. In the story, A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens used the spirits to collectively share…

Building a Better World

We would all like to see changes in the world that improve the quality of life for everyone. Having a global impact seems out of reach for most of us until we remember that every journey is made up of…

Finding Joy

Joy is found in the moments when our lives intersect with others. The more we invest our resources in the lives of people around us, the more we experience a significant return of peace, well-being, and gratitude. When we look…

Living to Learn, Learning to Live

We were created with a natural curiosity. A desire to learn all that we can about the world in which we live. It is that pursuit of discovery that makes life an adventure. Opening our hearts and minds prepares us…

St. Luke's on Broadway 2022

St. Luke’s on Broadway is back! What is it about Broadway that excites our minds and touches our hearts? The music? The dancing? Of course! But sometimes a story is so powerful, we can see ourselves in the characters. We…

The Prayer He Taught Us

Prayer is a time to connect to the heart of God. God knows our needs before we ask, but we are still encouraged to ask. Conversation with God is to change our hearts rather than try to change God’s mind.…

What the World Needs Now

Of all the ways we can make a difference in the world, love is the best. When we choose to love, we’re setting aside intolerance, prejudice, and apathy. Love inspires us to care for one another and see each person…

Saving Grace

We often focus on the mercy of Christ that saves us from death. While eternal life is incredible, solely focusing on it distracts us from the truth that the grace of Christ saves us for life. We are to live…

Music That Changed the World

Throughout history, God has used music to speak about love, justice, beauty, and courage. Sometimes the words of a song inspired people to stand up for what was right. Sometimes it was the beauty of the music itself that brought…

The Hopes and Fears of All the Years

We celebrate the birth of Christ in December to symbolize the Light coming into the world during the darkest time of the year. The Light breaks through the darkness in life to conquer our fears and bring us hope. During…

Give Thanks in All Circumstances

When we express our gratitude, it reminds us of all the blessings we have in life. Even when life is difficult or painful, we know we’re not alone. God is with us always - in the midst of our failures…

Love Your Neighbor: No Exceptions

Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was. He replied “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, mind, should and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.” We are told that we are called to be a neighbor…


The word “homecoming” brings to mind a flurry of images: football, mums, reunions, parades, decorations…The very word evokes a sense of warmth, excitement, and joy. It’s understandable because it clearly states the source of our emotional connection - “coming home.”…

St. Luke's on Broadway 2021

St. Luke’s on Broadway is back! What is it about Broadway that excites our minds and touches our hearts? The music? The dancing? Of course! But sometimes a story is so powerful, we can see ourselves in the characters. We…

Love Without Exception

The greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God with our heart, soul, strength, mind, and to love our neighbor as ourself. What does that kind of life look like? There are numerous examples of love in the Bible,…

Travel Lighter

Have you ever noticed how packing too much on vacation leaves you with an overweight suitcase that is hard to manage, tires you out, and prevents you from experiencing as much? In a similar way, carrying too much in life…

The Hill We Climb

Christ sends us into the world to help all people know that they are children on God. Making the world a better place is the hill we climb, but, it isn't a journey made alone. We climb knowing that God…

The Room Where It Happened

The Disciples who traveled with Jesus for three years. They sat at His feet and learned about life in God's kingdom. Jesus showed them how to live and serve, all in light of God's grace found in Jesus. One thing…

Light of the World

Life has its share of darkness; times of uncertainty and fear when the night seems to engulf us. But in the darkest of moments, a single candle can shine through and provide all we need to see the path ahead.…

Like a Good Neighbor

At the heart of our faith is the commandment to love God and love our neighbor. We know this great commandment, but we often wonder, "What does it look like to love our neighbor?" Love is far more than just…

St. Luke's on Broadway 2020

St. Luke’s on Broadway is back! What is it about Broadway that excites our minds and touches our hearts? The music? The dancing? Of course! But sometimes a story is so powerful, we can see ourselves in the characters. We…

The New Normal

In an ever-changing world, we will encounter disruptions to the normalcy of life. Sometimes, those disruptions become permanent – a new normal. How do we continue to find joy, peace, and meaning in times of turmoil? We can find our…

Be Not Afraid

Throughout life we will face difficulties – circumstances that affect our homes, health, livelihoods, and our relationships. They are moments that can invoke fear. Yet, Christ came to set us free. He came that we would know His presence. We…

Giving Up

Our lives have more than ever before – but “more” doesn’t automatically make them better. We own more, but that also means we have more things to maintain, repair, clean, and replace. We have busier schedules, but that also means…

Finding the Way

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…” How do we know the Way? What does it look like to follow Christ? Finding the Way means growing in our knowledge of who Christ is, deepening our faith,…


We want to live lives of purpose, but often we don’t feel up to the task. We think that we’re too young or maybe too old. We doubt that what we can do will be enough. But God is more…

Orientation to Life

At the beginning of a school year, students face all the possibilities and challenges that a new year holds. An Orientation can help guide them forward so that they can make the most of the educational experience. It offers advice…

St. Luke's on Broadway 2019

St. Luke’s on Broadway is back! What is it about Broadway that excites our minds and touches our hearts? The music? The dancing? Of course! But sometimes a story is so powerful, we can see ourselves in the characters. We…

How to Love Your Enemy (and Really Mean It)

Jesus said, “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” What does it mean to “love your enemies” and how is it possible? It is human nature to put up defenses against the an…

Someday is Not a Day of the Week

We live by our calendars and planners. Sunday through Saturday, every day of the week gets filled with the busyness of daily life. We schedule almost everything - our appointments, meetings, and celebrations. But often, we schedule our biggest plans…

Raising the Dead

The season of Lent begins with Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Easter is the celebration of Jesus overcoming the grave. Christ came to overcome the finality of death as well as bring new life in the midst of the…

The Greatest Story Ever Told

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.” John 1:14 Can there be anything more amazing than God becoming human…

Telling the Story

The Bible was written long ago by many different people on the other side of the world. Yet, throughout scripture we find a familiarity with the message. We relate to the successes and failures, the relationship struggles, and the need…

What You Do Matters

You were created as a child of God. Each and every day you have an opportunity to find joy for yourself and others. This is your chance to show kindness, bestow mercy, and build up the life of someone else.…

Think on These Things

How much time do we spend dwelling on the negative? The growing divide in our world has us taking sides against one another. The more we read and hear of arguments, in the news or on social media, the more…

St. Luke's on Broadway 2018

St. Luke’s on Broadway is back! What is it about Broadway that excites our minds and touches our hearts? The music? The dancing? Of course! But sometimes a story is so powerful, we can see ourselves in the characters. We…

Questions: What Does Christ Ask of Us?

The Bible has numerous questions from Jesus. He asked the disciples challenging questions about their faith. He answered the questions of leaders with questions of his own. And He asked questions to those who were hurting to discover their deepest…

Dreams and Visions

God gives us dreams for a new life, a new future. Are we willing to see a bigger reality for who we are called to be? Are we open to the possibilities for what we can do in life? We…

It's a Wonderful Life

Sometimes we can lose sight of the impact we have in the world. Our lives make a difference to countless individuals. God works through our lives to make the world a better place. Christ came into the world to be…

Things You Won't Regret

We have all done things that we wish we hadn't. But there are daily choices we can make that we will never have to regret - being kind to someone, saying “thank you,” helping someone in need.

Daring Greatly

Has worrying about failure or loss ever held you back from doing something? You won't want to miss St. Luke's new sermon series this Sunday, "Daring Greatly." Life was never meant to be lived from the sidelines. God calls us…

St. Luke's on Broadway 2017

St. Luke’s on Broadway is back! What is it about Broadway that excites our minds and touches our hearts? The music? The dancing? Of course! But sometimes a story is so powerful, we can see ourselves in the characters. We…

Famous Sayings of the Bible (That Aren't Actually There)

“God helps those who help themselves”… “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”… “Money is the root of all evil.” Those are just some of the Bible passages that people love - except they aren’t in the Bible. Many times, familiar quotes…

Racing To The Flag

Sometimes life can feel fast-paced, and yet at other times, it seems like it will take forever to get to where we want to be. How can we make sure to focus on our goal but still make the most…

Impossible Possibilities

God makes the impossible… possible. It is hard to imagine being forgiven for the things that we have done wrong - even harder to imagine forgiving others who have wronged us. Living after death seems like the greatest impossibility, yet…

The Year of Gratitude

Gratitude opens our hearts and minds to seeing God’s work in our lives and in the world. A life of gratitude is a better way to live. Telling someone “thank you” makes a difference in their lives and our own.…

Roadmap to Bethlehem

An angel announced to Joseph and to Mary that she would give birth to a Son.  A heavenly choir of angels appeared in the night sky to the shepherds proclaiming the birth of the Christ Child.  Wise men found the…

The Kindness Project

When we take time to practice kindness, we can change the world. This year, as we embark on “The Kindness Project,” we will be looking for intentional ways to share God’s love through kindness. We invite everyone to join us…

Game Changers

Game Changers We are constantly faced with decisions, both big and small in our daily lives. Have you ever made a decision in a moment, without fully realizing the impact it has on everyone around you? We all have the…

The One Thing

The world is full of distractions. Friends check their smartphones instead of talking. Social media diverts our attention from work. Television, computers, and video games interrupt family time. What if we focused on what is important in life? Research has…

St. Luke's on Broadway 2016

What is it about Broadway that excites our minds and touches our hearts? The music? The dancing? Of course! But sometimes a story is so powerful, we can see ourselves in the characters. We share their joy. We understand their…

The Lord is My Shepherd

One of the most famous passages of scripture is found in Psalm 23. It is used in movies, recited in prayers, and read at funerals. But sometimes a verse can become so familiar that we fail to hear the words…


Could someone take a picture of us that would capture us being kind, or forgiving, or hospitable? Would it reflect our gratitude or commitment to learning? We want our lives to show the values we hold most dear. Throughout the…

Heading for Home

Throughout our lives, we will face many circumstances. Sometimes we will experience great victories, and other times we will face loss. How can we make the most of what we have at any given moment? It is important to remember…

Running in the Wrong Direction

Since the beginning of time, people have tried to run from problems instead of facing them. Our days can get filled with distractions. Often, we try to avoid facing the obstacles before us or escape the issues that seem to…

What to Expect When Expecting Jesus

The book What to Expect When You’re Expecting was written to help parents prepare for the birth of a child. It examines every aspect of life as a way to prepare for the change that will happen within a family. The…

Video Results

“The Sound of Fear”
“There is something going on with the kids in our country.”
“They Returned With Great Joy”
“Don’t wait to do something”

Blog Results

Know Our Story

Our world is a rapidly changing place. We are constantly being bombarded with new innovations, exciting inventions, and different events that make our news channels operate twenty-four hours a...

Living Water

My youngest daughter is participating in the “Little Olympics” this week. On Monday, the coach reminded the students that they needed to drink lots of water this week so they would be well...

God is near

When I was 19 years old, I moved from Nebraska to Edmond, Oklahoma to go to college at the University of Central Oklahoma. I left my entire family in Nebraska and was six hours away from the...

Kathy Lee Gifford

The work of Jesus on the cross was a blessing that opened our eyes to new possibilities, freedom, and the gift of life, abundant and full. Jesus himself said, “I have come that they may have...