April 29, 2024

“And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” -Luke 23:34

The work of Jesus on the cross was a blessing that opened our eyes to new possibilities, freedom, and the gift of life, abundant and full. Jesus himself said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Jesus offered the gift of forgiveness to all.

A quote I recently read said, “Sometimes the past is our favorite place to visit.” This was stated in an interview with Kathy Lee Gifford. In her new book, I Want to Matter, soon to be released, she describes her understanding of the need to forgive, both in her personal and professional life. Kathy Lee understands a timeless truth that when we hold on to a challenging past, we can become bitter, mean, and often miserable. A life without grace leads to prevents us from experiencing the joy and freedom God intends for each of us.

When we understand that God’s grace has been offered to us, in such a remarkable way, we begin to realize that God has opened our eyes to see the way forward. Kathy Lee is correct. We are so often occupied with the past that we struggle to move in a positive direction. Our mistakes, failures, and the pain that others have caused, can hold us firmly in the past. God understands. That is why grace is offered to us repeatedly.

As we begin this week, I want to encourage you to first consider how often you visit the past. What is holding you in this place? Take some time to offer this moment to God. The work of the cross, the blessing of the empty tomb, and grace of God is present today. Because God is love, we can move from the past. Because grace is offered freely through the love of His Son, Jesus, we can trust that the future is a life filled with joyful possibilities. Because God’s spirit is present, let us find joy in moving forward with God and spend much less time visiting the past.

Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship