Delayed Gratification

Our son, Paul is a little more than 6 months away from beginning his career as a vascular surgeon after years of schooling. As I thought about this idea of delayed gratification, I realized that this is so often the price you pay to live out your calling.


St. Luke’s Edmond

Every Sunday for two and a half years, a team of dedicated volunteers have worked to transform a middle school cafeteria into a place of worship for the St. Luke’s Edmond campus! The time has come to move into a new building and with the celebration of the grand opening set for Sunday, October 16, I can’t help but reflect!


Dreaming About a Dress

If you know me, you know I love to talk about dreams. I believe God calls each of us to constantly dream new dreams for our lives. As adults, we have to really work to awaken this spirit of dreaming within ourselves.


The Carillon

You may have seen in the news this week that it is a historic time at St. Luke’s with the repair of the carillon bells! Nearly 14,000 pounds of 60-year-old church bells are being taken down for repair this week and will be shipped to The Verdin Company in Cincinnati, OH for restoration. This process will take approximately eight to nine months!


The One Thing

I was so intrigued and inspired after reading the book titled, “The One Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan that I had to share some of the stories and insight from the book with you!


Daily Devotionals

Ezekiel 12:2

Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a rebellious house, who have eyes to see, but see not, who have ears to hear, but hear not.


Now That’s a Friend

There is a story in the bible about a man who has been paralyzed for many years. He has a group of four, loving, caring and faithful friends who care so much about him that they take him to Jesus in hopes that he might be healed.


Adventures in Life

Life is an adventure from the very beginning, from the day you are born until the day you die. The adventure of life is all about uncertainty, risk and even a bit of nervousness.


Have you had your Vitamin S today?

A few years ago I read the book “Blue Zones” and shared several of the stories from the book in my sermons. The book reveals, author, Dan Buettner’s journey around the world as he visits places where people live longer and are healthier than other parts of the world.
