August 16, 2016

Life is an adventure from the very beginning, from the day you are born until the day you die. The adventure of life is all about uncertainty, risk and even a bit of nervousness. It’s not an adventure if you know exactly where you’re going, how you’re going to get there and what you will see. Not knowing where you’re going or how you will get there and what
you will experience is the part that makes you anxious and that is also the exciting part of this adventure we call, our life. Our lives are filled with adventure. Let’s take a look at three ways we experience adventure in life!

In the days and weeks ahead, children everywhere will be going back to school! Whether they are starting kindergarten or college, they are all excited and a little anxious. The night before school starts is often a restless one for children and parents alike! What will the school year bring? What kind of friends will I meet? Will I be accepted? What will the teacher be like? What will I wear? How will it feel? The list goes on. When we worry and try to anticipate how things will turn out, we focus our attention on the uncertainty instead of our faith. Stay open and faithful that God has a plan for you.

The second life adventure I want to mention is marriage. When you say, “I do”  you really have no way of knowing how things are going to go, and boy, are you ever on an adventure! Times get tough and life throws obstacles your way, but when you make a decision as a couple, to grow in your faith together, the adventure can get really exciting. God has led Marsha and I on a number of adventures in our marriage and together, we have experienced so much fun, joy, heartbreak, celebration and challenge, just to name a few. With God’s help, we continue on this adventure together, excited to see what new experiences we will face.

And third, death is also an adventure. It may be one that we all try to avoid, but death really isn’t a useless time, nor is it anything to fear. It is a time when you’re still growing in faith, learning about loving, you’re learning about life and you’re growing your soul. You’re doing something you’ve never done before. Death is an adventure, just like heading off to school for the first time.

Jesus leads us from one adventure to the next when we are willing to risk and follow Him, he leads us onto something exciting and new.

If you need another dose of inspiration and hope, check out the Inspiration page.