Canvas & Tunes 2017 Summer Day Camp

Have you been wondering what your 10-13 year old child is going to do this summer? It’s a challenge when they are too old for childcare and too young to stay home alone. “Canvas & Tunes” camp focuses on having fun with art and music and will run June 5-August 17 and is available from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.


The Masters

One of my favorite weekends of the year is here, and it’s not just because it’s the beginning to Holy Week. It’s also The Masters golf tournament! I love the tradition, pageantry, and beauty of this tournament every year. Four years ago I had the opportunity to go to Augusta, Georgia with my dad and brother and see one of golf’s most revered courses.


Children’s Summer Camps

Your children could attend all kinds of camps this summer. Why not make it fun and meaningful?

“I’ve seen this camp make a huge difference in the lives of kids and adults.”

That’s how Susan Easttom, Director of Children’s Ministry, describes two upcoming children’s camps that are centered on the Christian faith.

“SonShine” Camp – designed for 1st and 2nd graders, will take place on July 22-23 at Canyon Camp in Hinton, OK. They will enjoy hiking, swimming, crafts, and active learning in small groups under the caring and watchful eye of group leaders called “Shepherds.”


Palm Sunday

Next Sunday begins the week we call “Holy Week” in the Church. It represents the last week of the life of Jesus before he was crucified and then resurrected on the first Easter Sunday. Holy Week begins with what we call “Palm Sunday”. It gets its name from the story told in Matthew 21 of people cutting branches out of the trees and laying them on the ground before Jesus as he made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.


Wednesdays with Wendy

April the Giraffe

Almost a month ago I mentioned April the giraffe who was expected to give birth to her calf at any moment. Well, it looks like that “moment” could be any moment now! Thinking about giraffes led me to consider our sermon series, “Impossible Possibilities.”


London Attack

On Wednesday, London saw the deadliest terrorist attack they have seen in 12 years. Three people were killed in addition to the man responsible for the act. At times like this I find myself asking lots of questions. How could someone do something like this? What have we done in our world to cause someone to feel the way he must have felt? How can we keep things like this from happening in the future? Will these kinds of terrible acts ever end?



During the season of Lent it is a common practice in the Church for people to fast, or give something up. John Wesley was the founder of Methodism and he was a huge proponent of fasting. In fact, he wrote an entire sermon on it – “Sermon XXVII: Upon Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount”. In this sermon he broke down the biblical reasoning for fasting, the end goals of fasting, and the proper ways to fast.
