Mistaken Identities
July 17, 2019
Kyle and Will began our day with a devotion on “Mistaken Identities” taken from 1 John 3:11-24. We were reminded that at a basic level and from a biblical perspective, […]

Transformation During Missions
July 16, 2019
Hannah began our day with a devotion on transformation during missions. We had insightful conversation afterwards with everyone sharing. After our morning painting assignment we were treated to a delightful […]

More Painting
July 15, 2019
Good Morning from Chugiak! It is a brisk cool 47 degrees with an expected high of 60, absolutely delightful. After a delicious breakfast of pancakes and the devotion from Mona […]

The Last Frontier
July 13, 2019
The day started at 8:00 with Will’s famous scrambled eggs, toast and Alaska homemade Strawberry Preserves After our devotion time led by Martie it was time to work! Our […]

65 Degrees in Alaska
July 12, 2019
We arrived safely in Anchorage at 1:30 p.m. and met up with our 8th team member Charles Ting. We were greeted by our hosts from the The UMC of Chugiak […]

Wasilla, Alaska Day 5 of 2018 Trip
July 12, 2018
Our last work day has arrived. So long blue tape and scaffolding! We are thrilled to see what a difference a fresh coat of paint will do. Oh, and the […]

Wasilla, Alaska Day 4 of 2018 Trip
July 11, 2018
Today’s hard work is brought to you by black, hot coffee. But really, we needed a few pots of coffee to face all the walls left to paint. There was […]

Wasilla, Alaska – Day 3, 2018
July 10, 2018
Early Monday morning, our team of 12 joined a few local church members to continue our various tasks. God has blessed our team with lots of talent to knock out […]