God Will Run To Us

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” -Luke 15:20

It was during Sunday night youth worship, many years ago, that I first heard Benny Hester’s song, When God Ran. The song begins with a listing of several names for God; The Great I Am, Victorious Warrior, King of Kings. These were all names for an awesome God that was and is beyond my ability to comprehend. At the same time, this song was personal, intimate, and brought great joy to me as we sang about how awesome God truly is and how awesome it is that this God loves us. To this day, this song reminds me that the Great I Am is with us, and has gone to great lengths to keep us close…


Be An Influence

My time on the machines is not only spent sweating, but also reflecting and praying. I find that during this time, answers to problems or questions I have had on my mind or those I have pushed to the back of my mind seem to reveal themselves. For me this is a critical part of my day; without this time, I feel lost and alone.

When I am diligent about my time with God, I have a much more successful day. It is the tool I need to grow in my faith. God unveils wisdom and truths for inspiring my childcare center management team, along with ways for the staff to grow in their faith and to love and teach the children every day.


Giving Is The Heart of God

I can’t imagine anything more frightening than having a sick child. As a parent of three daughters, I know that I would do anything within my power to make them well. That is how Arfon Jones felt when he was told his daughter would lose both of her kidneys to a serious illness. At the age of 19, she would have to be on dialysis for several hours a night. Arfon contacted the hospital and put his name on the donor list so that he could help his daughter with the gift of a new kidney.

Arfon went to multiple tests before the doctors would tell him that he is not a match for his daughter…


Romans 12:9-18

Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor. Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints, practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; never be conceited. Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends upon you, live peaceably with all.


Psalm 143:8

Let me hear in the morning of thy steadfast love,
    for in thee I put my trust.
Teach me the way I should go,
    for to thee I lift up my soul.


The Words We Use Matter

The story of Paul’s conversion is a pivotal story in the life of Christianity. Paul was a young Jewish leader who was focused on combating the growing number of people who were following Jesus.  Paul decided to expand his persecution of Christians to Damascus. While on the road to Damascus, Paul is knocked off his horse and blinded. At the same moment, he hears the voice of Jesus.  From this moment on, Paul, who once persecuted the Church, now works to spread the news of Christ around the world.

Paul’s work helped the young church to grow and blessed many lives. Paul’s writings make up a significant amount of our New Testament. Paul, who tried to stop the growth of the church, is responsible for much of its early success and a great deal of our present theology. Paul did not accomplish this work alone. He had many people who helped make his mission possible.  One of the most significant people in the ministry of Paul was Barnabas.

When Paul first became a follower of Jesus, he was not well received by the other disciples. Who could blame them?..


Loving Ourselves So We Can Love Others

I think if we are going to love God and love all…it begins with loving ourselves. If you cannot love your own soul, how can you love others? Paul in Ephesians 5 writes, “For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church.” If God finds us worthy of His love and care, then perhaps we should try to first love ourselves.

I recently had the opportunity to attend the Vincent Van Gogh Exhibit called the Immersive Experience here in Oklahoma City with my wife, Kelly. It was a wonderful way to experience the famous painter’s works through projections of his works on the walls all around you in the exhibit room coupled with a beautiful soundtrack. His works, his landscapes and his self portraits seem to come to life through animation as streams flow, flowers bloom, and candles burn.

I learned a great deal about the Dutch artist that night. He created most of his works within a few short years. He is most famous for his landscapes and self-portraits and works such as Starry Night and Sunflowers and The Yellow House. He was only 37 when he took his own life…


Merry Christmas Jay

The people of Buffalo are no strangers to harsh winter weather. They are prepared for it. However, the incredible winter storm that took place around Buffalo this past December was even too much for our tough neighbors to the northeast. One major snow storm that began on December 23 brought 70 mile an hour winds and a total of 51.9” of snow. This took place in just over a day. The entire region was paralyzed. The people who were caught traveling, away from home or the safety of indoors, were in grave danger.

One of the people caught in this terrible blizzard was Jay Withey. Jay is a mechanic. He was trying to make his way home from work when he became trapped in the winter storm. Jay knew he would run out of gas soon. He also spotted another group of people in a car, trying to ride out the storm. Jay made a decision that would help save the lives of 24 people and 2 dogs…


God Looks For Us

There was a small auction in the town of Kinderhook, New York. One of the things purchased at this auction was a rugged painting that had been kept in a shed with other odds and ends. The painting was covered in dust and had bird droppings down the back of the canvas. The painting had been neglected and no one really knew much about it, other than it was old. The painting eventually sold for $600 at the auction.

The painting was purchased by Albert B. Roberts. Roberts had a strong hunch that the painting was far more than an old piece of art from a shed. He purchased the painting and began the work of having it studied by experts, although Albert Roberts is an expert, as well. Eventually, Albert’s hunch was confirmed…


Willing To Listen To God

“Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:4

Millard and Linda Fuller were, by all accounts, a successful couple. By the age of 29, Millard was a successful lawyer who was already worth over 1 million dollars.   Their hard work took a toll on their lives and their marriage. By age 30, the Fullers were spent. They were exhausted, and their marriage was on the rocks.

Thankfully, they were unwilling to let their marriage fail. With the same determination they had to build a successful business, they set out to use their wealth to help others. They were ready to use their lives to help their neighbors and change other’s lives for the better…
