July 18, 2016

Can you remember people who have been kind to you throughout your life? Maybe in elementary school? As a lonely and rejected teenager? Maybe when you first started your career or when you became a new mom or dad? Maybe when you lost someone you loved? These people have a legacy in your memory because they were kind to you.

First, it’s important for us to remember that Jesus raised the bar on loving others when he told us, it’s not about just loving those who love you. He told the disciples, anyone can love those who love you, that’s easy. When you lend to those who are going to give back to you, what is so special about that? Jesus says, you must lend, even to your enemies; you must be kind to the stranger; you must give without any thought of getting anything in return. Be kind; be merciful as your Heavenly Father is merciful. Jesus raises the bar.

Second, when you are kind to someone, when you do something you don’t have to do, when you know you lifted someone up, that blesses your own soul and gives meaning to your life.

And third, Jesus calls us to be kind to those we don’t know, to those who can’t give back, even to the selfish. He said, I’m asking you to raise it to a higher standard, to be kind; for when you are kind, you’ll create meaning in your own life, you’ll create a legacy in your life and leave your mark on the world.

2016 is the year of The Kindness Project at St. Luke’s! Click hereto learn about The Kindness Project and request a Kindness Kit.