May 20, 2016

The words “Oklahoma Strong!” were repeatedly booming out of speakers a few feet away from people who were struggling to finish a Run To Remember.

The LifeLight Band of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church was playing their hearts out in a parking lot – ad libbing lyrics to inspire the runners of the 2016 OKC Memorial Marathon.  They were running with heart, right by the church.

“I really think that’s what Oklahoma is about,” St. Luke’s Director of Worship and LifeLight singer Stephanie Greenwald said.  “We love each other, we care for each other.  That’s what we did so many years ago during the bombing, and it’s so important to keep that alive.”

21 years and five days after the bombing in downtown Oklahoma City, St. Luke’s members and friends were cheering on runners and handing them cups of water along Harvey Ave, between NW 14th and 15th streets.

“We run to remember.  Run to remember April 19th (1995),” Randy Thurman said.  “It’s a chance to get out and run and celebrate life, because every day is a good day.”

“When you just arrive, it’s puts a lump in your throat,” Suzie Buxton said with tears in her eyes.  “It means a lot, yes it does.  Just to see them coming through.”

For Traver Sisson, “It means hope.  No matter what happens, we can overcome it.”

To watch St. Luke’s involvement with this year’s OKC Memorial Marathon, click here.