April 9, 2017

On beautiful Palm Sunday new President Phil Brougher presided over 36, including visitors, Ray and Sheri McConnell. Phil read aloud the lyrics of a song, “He Has Forgiven Me,” which has a powerful meaning for both himself and Judy.

Ed and Karen Matheke finally returned to class. Karen expressed appreciation for cards, calls and prayers following her surgery. Also returning were Doug and Marolyn Sauls, both having recovered. Peggy Miller thanked the class for prayers and cards following her optical surgery.

Tom Miller led discussion from video presentation, “Final Words from the Cross,” narrated by Rev. Adam Hamilton. It concerned the words, “’Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Luke 23:46. Hamilton stated these words mean, ‘I am returning to My Father’s home.’ Jesus’ perfect sacrifice was for all the sins of the world, for one and for all. It was a proclamation of victory. Jesus ended His suffering by teaching us how to live each day by placing our trust in God’s hands.

Further, he stated that we are all sinners and God longs to forgive us. We do not know God’s plan for us, but we know that that our suffering can be used to achieve something much greater than we can ever imagine. Jesus ended His suffering by teaching us how to live each day – not in fear but in confidence and hope; all by placing our spirit in God’s hands. The narrator concluded, “Jesus’ last words were not a cry of defeat or surrender, but a proclamation of victory, a prayer of absolute trust in His Father.”

The beautiful music and altar lilies combined with our newly redecorated sanctuary set a somber, and yet joyful preparation for Easter. Judy Brougher and Mike Madden sang in the Chancel Choir. Margaret Howell, Bill Morris and Joe Wine performed in the Bells of St. Luke’s.

Written by: Dixie Galloway