March 19, 2017

On a hot Sunday in March,  President Joe Wine greeted 38 attendance. The Chili Supper committee was thanked by the 34 who attended the well-planned, tasty and entertaining party.

Class news: Karen Matheke is slowly recovering at home from her recent surgery and is bored! Pat Duncan was able to travel to Dallas to visit her first great granddaughter. Janice Low returned from her fourth St. Luke’s sponsored mission trip to Honduras, specifically, on the island of Roatán. Her group purchased a washing machine, dug a water line and installed it for an elderly resident in the church. They also poured her concrete driveway. Additionally, they painted a classroom (two coats). Their most eye-opening effort was to deliver food to a large population who permanently live in the municipal dump!

Ron Howell led discussion of two chapters from the video, ”Final Words From The Cross,” narrated by Adam Hamilton. Particularly, the Catholic Church observes Lent with special prayers, fasting, repentance and practicing forgiveness and Ash Wednesday services. The Methodist Church observes some of each, to a much lesser degree.

The crucifixion story is found in all four Gospels in the Bible. However, each author offered different versions of the same event. We know that paradise is associated with a garden. Adam and Eve were ejected from a garden. Jesus prayed in a garden before being captured and crucified. Jesus was mistaken for a gardener by the two Marys who saw him after his death.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, was present at His trial and at His death on the cross. From the cross, the dying Jesus saw His mother and His favorite Apostle, John, standing together. From above, Jesus uttered these words to His mother, “He is your son.” And to the disciple, He stated, “She is your mother.” From that time the disciple took her to live in his home. (John 19:26-27) Shortly after, Jesus died, knowing His mother would always receive loving care.

Written by: Dixie Galloway