February 19, 2017

On a balmy Sunday President Joe Wine greeted 36 attendance. Our traveler, Janice Low, returned after 24 days motoring through southern parts of Chile.

Pat Duncan’s son, Keith, is still being treated for many health problems. At this report Tom Galloway is under treatment at Baptist Hospital for pneumonia (again), and other infectious problems. Bill Morris’ sister, Pat, will be moving into an assisted living center. Continuing prayers are requested for all family members and their caregivers.

Bill Morris led discussion from Rev. John Ortberg’s DVD, “The Me I Want To Be.” Generally speaking, most of us are unable to truly perceive our own incompetence. We have an inability to see ourselves as others see us. That said, we aren’t willing to change if we don’t acknowledge our own sins or poor behavior. We sometimes develop inertia to make any changes.

An incomplete list of personality types: Perfectionists suffer greatly after any failure.  Reformers live to achieve, and try to correct others’ faults. Artistic Persons dwell on their own specialness, as they feel different than most everyone else. Thinkers have an amazing memory for their own field of interest and do not appreciate being interrupted or corrected. Loyalists want to shift fault to someone else. Enthusiasts are the ‘life of the party’ who prefer to tell stories about themselves. They cannot see pain in others due to their own self-centeredness. Commanders prefer leadership by dominating others. Peace Makers seek to find calm-sometimes at any price.

Ortberg contends that most person exhibit one or more of these characteristics at one time or another, depending on the circumstances. He reminds us that Grace is a debt from God. He quoted James 4:10 “ Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up.”

Written by: Dixie Galloway