On a hot July Sunday, President Peggy Miller greeted a summer attendance of 28! Peggy noted the following couples celebrate anniversaries this week: Doug and Marolyn Sauls – their 57th; Dale and Sandra Reneau – their 23rd.
Pat Duncan returned. She expressed gratitude to the class for our love, expressions of concern and for serving lunch in her home to her family after services for Keith.
We applauded Neil Corneil for sharing his surplus tomatoes and red okra!
Tom Miller led study of Isaiah, the only biblical prophet in eighth century B.C. Unlike priests, prophets had no official capacity and were frequently challenged when their message was not a popular one. Isaiah lived during the reign of King Izaiah who was considered righteous. However, the king had failed to remove shrines to pagan gods.
Isaiah’s call came as a vision of the Lord, attended by six-winged creatures (called seraphim). After Isaiah was symbolically ‘cleansed’ by a six-winged creature, he heard God’s voice, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” Immediately Isaiah answered the Lord, “I am here; send me, Lord.” (Isaiah 6:8)
Isaiah had experienced God’s presence, His power and His own ‘call.’ Isaiah volunteered without any instructions or directions, as the other prophets asked to be excused, Isaiah warned other prophets of harsh judgments and punishment. He pleaded with them to repent, yet he held out hope for restoration. Through Isaiah, God changed the course of history.
The author wrote “When we perceive God is calling us to accept a challenge or take a stand or work toward justice, answer it. Like Isaiah, we can discover how unexpected circumstances can lead us in new opportunities to serve God.
Peggy again reminded that Monday is Ladies Lunch Out with Jean Corneil hosting. Vi Roberts is Jean’s co-hostess.
Written by: Dixie Galloway