June 11, 2017

On a lovely morning President Phil Brougher presided over 34. Upper Room donated $500 to Methodist Skyline Ministries for back-to-school uniforms and backpacks. Additionally, the class voted to donate $300 to the Bethel Foundation of Oklahoma for families in need. Our class gardener, Neil Corneil, shared his excess squash and cucumbers.

RESERVE THE DATE: Saturday, June 24, 6 p.m. -Upper Room Annual Ice Cream Social at Neil and Jean Corneil’s home. Contact Jean for list of a food to bring.

Medical Reports: Jeanette Willet remains in the hospital to receive specialty tests and treatments. Continue prayers for Jeanette, John and their family. Additionally, pray for the following  members:  Carolee Poulsen, Candy Mosley, Phil Brougher and Pat Duncan’s son, Keith.

Member News: Donna Smith appeared on TV Channel 4 News while standing on her heavily deteriorated black top dead end street. Despite many complaints from affected OKC tax paying home owners Donna reported no repairs in 17 years!

Tom Miller led the lesson from Judges 6:11-18 concerning the  life of Gideon, the reluctant leader of the tribe of Manasseh. After 40 years of peace and prosperity, his people became unfaithful to God and had reverted to the worship of Baal, “and the Lord handed them over to the waring Midianites for seven years.” The Midianites were an Arabic tribe who were actually distant blood relatives of Israel, but had killed Gideon’s brothers and raided Israel at harvest time to rob them of all food and livestock.

God sent a messenger (and later appeared) to the youngest man of the weakest clan, Gideon, to proclaim him as the new, strong leader! Gideon not only doubted God’s word, he challenged Him twice to prove His presence. Reluctantly, Gideon led his people to victory (with God’s assistance). The author concluded that Gideon reminds us that “God uses all kinds of people and is always with us even though we may not realize or understand.”

Written by: Dixie Galloway