June 4, 2017

On a rainy Sunday, President Phil Brougher greeted 32.  Bill and Ginny Morris returned from a trip to Maryland to attend the graduation of their granddaughter, Grace.  They also had an extended visit with their daughter, Wendy, their son-in-law and grandson, William.  Grace will attend University of Pittsburg this fall.

Phil announced that Charlie and Jeanne Button will celebrate their 49th anniversary this week.  Additionally Phil led the class in applause of appreciation to Ron Howell for his many efforts for the class: selecting dates for our social calendar; assisting in creating our annual lesson plans; teaching class; researching events that require travel;  plus his leadership (with Margaret’s great co-chairing) in distribution, collection and delivery of filled Christmas stockings to the Salvation Army for distribution to children in need!

Prayer requests: Jeanette Willet had a feeding tube inserted and is awaiting lab results from the procedure.  Pray for Jeanette, John and their children.  Carolee Poulsen has her second ocular surgery this week.  A picture of Carolee attending a reception in her condominium appeared in SUNDAYLIFE section in the Oklahoman.

Jeanne Morgan introduced the class to our new study series from the Old Testament.  She distributed maps of the area in the period we will study as well as a chart listing the judges of Israel, with their years of service, each enemy encountered, plus their accomplishments and scripture location of events in the Old Testament!  We study the Old Testament to learn the history of God’s children and trials encountered under various leaders long before the birth of Jesus.

The first lesson (from Judges 4:1-10) concerned the only female judge, Deborah, already a prophetess, who settled disputes among her fellow Israelites in the 12th century B.C.  She was called upon to assist Barak, their leader, in their battle against the Canaanites to the north.  Israel conquered a vastly superior army with God’s  help in a large flood which disabled their enemies’ large chariots.  The author reminded us of the Israelites’ disobedience, their repentance, and final deliverance and God’s forgiveness.

Written by: Dixie Galloway