May 7, 2017

On beautiful Confirmation Sunday President Phil Brougher presided over 36.

SHARING GRANDPARENT’S PRIDE : Phil and Judy’s granddaughter, Bailey, is graduating, with honors, from OU. Her major is Energy Management and Finance. Her summer spent as an intern at a firm in Texas was so impressive that she has a job waiting for her!

Medical updates: John Willet had successful surgery. Doug Sauls reports that he is ‘nearly completely recovered’ from the second surgery on his leg. Carolee Poulsen is slowing improving, Sheri Buckles is still dealing with a painful hip.

Tom Miller led discussion from the video/book, Glory Days, narrated by Rev. Max Lucado. He wrote that we Christians have left the ‘wilderness and crossed the river and are ready to welcome the Promised Land and the Glory Days.’

Joshua took his ‘inheritance’ of leadership of the Hebrews after the death of Moses. He refused to say, “I can’t” to God, but he accepted God’s offer to help the Hebrews defeat their enemies who had terrified them for eight centuries! The author called the days that the tribes lived in Canaan, free from harm, their “Glory Days.”

Lucado declared the best kept secret is that Christians are capable of dealing with troubles of the world, however, self-pride is a an obstacle to enter the ‘Promised Land.’ We should give God credit for the better things that have happened to us.

Read chapters 5 through 8 for next week’s lesson.