April 9, 2017

What a beautiful Palm Sunday! President Susan Hollingsworth opened class with scripture and prayer. After sharing joys and concerns, we welcomed back Rev. Keith King. Keith continued with our study of the Last Supper using the Gospel of Mark for our reference.

In Mark 14 a women anoints Jesus with a costly perfume – Jesus responded “she did what she could. She poured perfume on my body before hand to prepare for my burial.” This action is opposite of the action Judas did. Jesus in Mark 14:17 “I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me- one who is eating with me.” So at one supper we see the sacrifice of love – in the second we see the act of utter betrayal. In studying these verses each of us must ask ourselves “Are we givers or takers in out actions?” Thank you Rev. Keith King.

After class, we formed lines to assemble 80 Easter sacks of candy and 80 sacks of hygiene items. These were gathered to share God’s love with the residents of Jesus House. Our thanks to the Unity SS class, the Together SS Class, the Monday Adult Bible Study Class and the Tiffany’s Legacy Bible Study Class. So many donations of time, money and items – for us to remember how one person we are limited but together we can make a change.

Remember the family of Rev. Neil Winslow and the Supplee’s as Beverly’s cousin Donald Hermann passed on. Everyone have a blessed Holy Week.

Written by: Bill & Georgann Osby