March 26, 2017

Greetings from Unity Sunday School Class. We missed some of our regulars: J.C, Marty, Charles, Barbara, Daralene and Helen. We know that some have been under the weather and others on trips. We hope to have a full house next week. Ray, Sherre and Crystal blessed us with another visit, you really add to our class.

After sharing our joys and concerns, President Susan Hollingsworth opened class with scripture and a prayer. We were delighted to have Rev. Dave Poteet for his last lesson on the subject of Second Chances. He referred us to two people in the Bible who were given second chances.

One was from Luke 18:18-30 – the parable of the rich young ruler who would not give up the one thing that stood in his total acceptance of the life Jesus offered and that was his wealth. The other person Jesus actually encountered to give him his second chance was Saul the persecutor of Jesus who became Paul, a great evangelist.

Rev. Poteet asked us to examine our lives and see what pushes Christ out of the center of our lives. Whatever it is, God is always there ready to give us a second chance. Thank you Rev. Poteet – We enjoyed your insight.

Susan read a thank you note from Skyline for our donation. We also will be making Easter sacks for residents of the Jesus House. Everyone have a blessed week – blessed in a a way that assures you of the plans God has for your life.

Written by; Bill & Georgann Osby