March 12, 2017

Greetings from the Unity SS class. President Susan Hollingsworth opened class with scripture and a prayer.  We welcomed back visitors – Ray, Shere, and Crystal.  We thank you for being with us this Sunday.

We missed some of our regulars who were away on Spring Break trips.  We are like a family and when one of the places at our tables are missing we feel less than complete.

We are blessed to have Rev. Dave Poteet as our teacher continuing on the theme – Second Chances.  The lesson came from Luke 8:26, where a demon-possessed man was healed.

In biblical times demon possession was a person controlled by evil spirits.  Some of these instances today might be called mental illnesses.  Like the man in Luke, we can be broken and in need of being restored by our Heavenly Father.  We need to look for ways in our lives to become more aware of the people we encounter who maybe suffering and see how we may help.  Thank you, Rev. Poteet, we are blessed by your work for St. Luke’s!

Everyone enjoy the beauty of Spring.

Written by: Bill and Georgann Osby