March 19, 2017

Margaret Whittemore is working on a date and place for our April dinner. Hopefully she’ll have details next week.

Last week Stephanie Greenwald drew a picture of a tree to go with her teaching and Margaret would like to incorporate something like that for our class with everyone’s name on the tree. Then everyone would list 3 things about themselves they would like the class to know. Be thinking of your 3 things!

Rev. Phil Greenwald led our class this Sunday and we appreciate him taking time to do that. He started class with asking the definition of the word “obverse” (meaning two sides or the other side of something). He read from Ephesians 2 which talks about our being saved by grace and not of ourselves or works. He also read from James 2 which says faith with no works is dead. Interesting class discussion on faith versus deeds.

Written by: Sharon Selby