March 5, 2017

We met in our new room (#201) for the first time this Sunday and it is really nice. Rev. Keith King was with us talking about Lent, our season of preparation.

We wouldn’t go to a party unprepared so this is our time of preparation for the celebration of Easter.  This preparation includes introspection and repentance. Keith’s question was “Who do you say Jesus is?” It’s important to understand because it’s the foundation of our faith. Keith read Matthew 20: 20-24 and Matthew 16: 13-20 (the who do people say I am Scripture).

Our main question for this Lenten season is “who is Jesus to each of us?” Keith also recommended a couple of books – The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey and Rediscover Who Jesus Was and Is by N. T. Wright. We appreciate Keith taking time to be with us this morning.

Written by: Sharon Selby