July 23, 2017

On Tuesday night (7/25) we’ll meet at the home of Jim Litton for our monthly dinner. Jim will provide ham and fried chicken and we’ll all bring the rest. Also, prayers for Faye Lee’s son who will have open heart surgery soon.

Margaret Whittemore led us as we continued a study on forgiveness and she started by asking for things that annoy us that might be considered a sin. Continuing to use Adam Hamilton’s analogy of adding rocks to a backpack, these would be small rocks. On bigger sins, is there such a thing as forgiving too early? Adam Hamilton provided an acronym (RAP) for small rocks and letting things go. Remember your own shortcomings, assume the best in people and pray. For the medium and large rocks and things harder to forgive, the acronym is ARCC. Awareness of wrong doing, regret for the pain caused, confession and change. We’ll finish this study next week.

Written by: Sharon Selby