June 4, 2017

My right hand, Sharon Selby, was taking a well earned rest today, so her left hand will attempt to write this report.

However, there is no way that anyone can do justice to a class from Wendy Lambert in 100 words. Wendy came to talk about Genesis and I will summarize it in 4 words – excellent, informative, fun and fascinating. We learned that in one story in Genesis, God created male and female at the same time. In another version, God created Adam first, placed him in the Garden of Eden and realizing that Adam needed a helper he created Eve. In this instance make and female complimented each other.

Wendy will be back with us on June 18 and will discuss some of the “what not to do” in Judges. We can hardly wait, Wendy! Next Sunday we will discuss forgiveness and continue this through July using Adam Hamilton’s book Forgiveness, Finding Peace through Letting Go.

New Beginnings class expresses gratitude to Rev. Jeremy Sanders for his work in helping to establish our class and in supporting us as we grew for the last two years. We wish you well, Jeremy.

Written by: Margaret Whittemore