April 9, 2017

On Sunday, we wrapped up our Study of Ortberg’s Faith and Doubt.  The author returns to the example of the trapeze artist in discussing the concept of a “leap of faith.”  The circus flyer has three stages: letting go, waiting in the air and being caught.

There are many examples of attempted leaps of faith in the Bible. The wealthy man who asked Jesus what he needed to do to gain eternal life could not take the step of letting go of all of his wealth.

Ortberg’s sees the “waiting” period as a time that calls for trust on the part of the individual, faith that he or she will be “caught” by the catcher. In our lives, this period may be short or may take years. For example. Abraham and Sarah waited many years for a child.

One class member said that some of us may attempt to “let go” many times in our lives before we successfully wait and trust that we will be “caught’ on the other side of our leap.

During this study, our class learned that faith and doubt exist together for believers. In fact, the most important word in that phrase maybe “and.”

Written by: Marie Price