February 12, 2017

Our study of John Ortberg’s “Faith and Doubt” posed the question, “What Kind of Faith Really Matters?” Do we adhere strictly to a belief held by our denomination? Have we, as adults, come to a personal belief that differs from that of our childhood or of the church that we attend? Are there phrases that we repeat because we believe them, or because they are part of the worship service structure?
Our core convictions, which come out of our life experience, may differ from our public expressions of belief.
What about those who lack belief? Some do not believe in a God, but live as though there is one. Others may say they believe there is a God, but live as though there isn’t one.
Note: On Saturday, Feb. 25, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., the Grand Mosque is hosting “Meet the Muslims,” a panel discussion that will include a Q&A period afterward. The mosque is located at 3201 N.W. 48th St.