March 12, 2017

We had a great group that sprung forward this morning. Several Starbucks cups were also present, so it looks like the bookstore may have sold a little more coffee this morning. Our new study is well worth getting up that extra hour to attend. Brian is leading us in a study based on Adam Hamilton’s series on the Gospel of John.

Of the four Gospels, John could be described as more about the meaning of what happened, compared to the other Gospels that are more about describing the events of what happened. “ In the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” The words of John point to the purpose of the gospel in a way that is different from the other three. It is the only book of the Bible that states its purpose as clearly telling individuals how to find eternal life. It is not so much a life of Jesus as it is a powerful presentation of his deity.

Hamilton refers to it as having a relationship with Christ, about being connected. It is about God’s wishes to communicate with us and revealing God’s self to us. Details have meaning in John, giving clues to deeper meaning. In John 2, the act of turning water into wine can be seen as an image of Eucharist, and the wedding ceremony was often symbolic of Heaven. John has deeper meaning in every word and studying the Gospel with that understanding, is giving our class greater understanding.

Written by: Sandra Hall