April 7, 2019

Jesus wants us to serve others.

Key Verse: “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all” (Mark 9:35).

Jesus washed the disciples’ feet to show that he came to serve others, not to be served. Jesus wants us to serve others as he did (John 13:1-17). Strengthen your family’s faith learning and growth at home with this easy idea:

  1. Talk about a time you served someone when you were young. Explain what you did and what effect it had on the people you served. For example, maybe you went on a mission trip and helped repair a home, or maybe you mowed the next-door neighbor’s lawn for free.
  2. Then talk about ways your family can serve the people around you. Challenge your family to add one new act of service this week. It could be as simple as opening the door for others when entering a building.
  3. At the end of each day, check in with your family; talk about how everyone served others as Jesus did.


God, we want to be like Jesus and serve others. Please help us be more aware of the people around us and show us how we can serve them. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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