October 10, 2018

Growing up in the church, I have many examples of people who shared God’s love with me in a personal way.  Most of these were not extraordinary stories or moments, but simple acts of kindness and faithfulness.  There were so many who shared a smile and a hug each time we walked in the doors of the church.   There was the man who always had candy in his pockets and loved sharing a piece with each child as a way to make us smile.  There was the woman who focused her time and attention to help me unpack the boxes in my bedroom when our family moved to our new church.

One person in particular that stands out to me often was my junior high Sunday School teacher, Richard.  Typically, on a Sunday morning in our junior high class, it was just myself and my best friend Jenny.  There was also another boy my age who was fairly consistent, but still our class average was about 2.5 people attending each week.  And each week, Richard always had a lesson prepared and took the time to get to know us and teach us the stories of the Bible and how that connected to our life.  I don’t really remember any of the Sunday School lessons in particular, but I do remember that Richard was always there and always ready.  Some others may have been discouraged to only have a couple of students in a class and wondering if the time was worth it.  If Richard ever questioned that, I didn’t ever realize it.  I just look back remembering his faithfulness to teach us each week.

There may not be something truly extraordinary that God is asking you to do in this moment.  But all that you do matters, whether is teaching a couple of junior high kids, helping someone in a new transition, or sharing a smile.  God uses our acts of kindness and faithfulness to his call to make a difference in someone else’s life.  It is many examples like this that I experienced that have helped to shape me into my own life and ministry within the church.  I am grateful and reminded that what you do matters.

Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministry