January 13, 2023

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” – Isaiah 1:17

Butch Marion is often seen working at his local Walmart. Butch is veteran of the U.S. Navy and a retired autoworker with General Motors. He is a dedicated employee at Walmart. He is also the oldest employee at 82. Butch retired early from General Motors to care for his ex-wife, and after her death, he went to work to help supplement his income.

Rory McCarty stopped at Walmart before opening his business. Rory owns and operates a pest control business. He saw Butch at the register and was amazed at how a person at Butch’s age was working so hard. He inquired about Butch, and after learning about him, Rory felt compelled to help Butch move towards a more comfortable retirement. Rory took a few brief videos and posted them on social media with a request for others to help contribute to a retirement fund for Butch.

People around the world responded to Rory’s request in a big way! It took just a few days to collect over $108,000.  Rory returned to Walmart and presented Butch with the check. Butch simply said, “Wow!” After the shock passed, Butch told the local news that he planned to use the money to, “Pay off bills, give back to others, and visit his daughters.” He said, “I would like to thank everybody around the world. I’m like a bird out of a cage.”

The scriptures are clear that we are called to love all. Caring for all includes the most vulnerable in our midst. Rory McCarty was impressed with how hard Butch Marion was working, but he was concerned that he was working too hard at his age. Rory wanted to help lower Butch’s burden, and that is exactly what he did. When we operate in love, we will see the needs of the people in our midst. When we operate in love, we will make a difference. God’s love has blessed us and our love for God and others will bless all.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship