April 23, 2024

In Luke 24:13-35 two things stand out strongly that I think give us a glimpse of God’s grace upon the resurrection of Jesus. Verse 19 begins with Jesus asking, “What things?” after the two disciples essentially asked him if he was living under a rock for the past 3 days. I love this because it indicates something that we all experience daily with God. We often speak to God from a place of blindness: we simply do not know all that God knows nor can we see what God has for us even when it is right in front of our faces. Jesus acts with such grace in the face of such ignorance. I can’t help but think that Jesus has a sense of humor when he asks the disciples “What things?”. It is so like our Heavenly Father to guide his children by asking questions instead of being blunt or demanding. He could have easily put them in their place, but he allowed them to see him on their own time. Sometimes we don’t understand God’s timing, but in this passage, it is clear he is patient with those that love him.

The second thing that stands out is that after the disciples spent time with Jesus, walking alongside him, speaking to him, hearing him talk of scripture, it was not until they sat down to break bread that they recognize him. I know that I have been in so many scenarios where God is quite literally right in front of my face and I have willfully ignored Him because I am caught up completely in my own narrative, unable to see His face clearly. That is why daily time with God is so important and why spending time in scripture brings us back to the truth- when our hearts and minds are centered on God, it is so easy to see him, and his work in our midst.

Kelsey Paul, LifeLight Worship Leader, and Arts Administrator for Arts at St. Luke’s