May 8, 2017

“…Train yourself in godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:7-8
Have you ever wondered if race car drivers need to be physically fit? It would seem, from the outside looking in, that driving a car would not require a great level of physical fitness. The truth is that professional drivers spend a great amount of time staying in good condition. Although drivers do not need to be extremely fit it helps when you are driving a high-horse powered car like the ones used in Formula One racing. The stronger their body the better they are able to handle the car on a challenging racetrack.
The average NASCAR race last 1.5 to 4 hours with some races going a distance of 500 miles. A race is long, fast, often dangerous and demanding on the driver. A racecar driver cannot simply jump in a car and compete without immense preparation, especially if they want the most out of the race. That often requires a daily commitment to training. Time in the gym is important if a driver wants a successful race on the track.
Professional drivers understand that to have a successful race they must train themselves, long before they pull onto the track. As a people of faith we also understand that to be successful in the race of life we must train. When we want our bodies to be healthy we exercise them. When we want our minds to be strong we feed them with knowledge. When we want out spirits to be strong we daily seek God in prayer and study.
Training is required for the race to come. Today, I encourage you to find time to train your body, mind and soul that you may find success in, “the present life and also for the life to come.”
Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor