March 11, 2024

Traditions among family and friends can be really meaningful. When we come together, we are able to remind ourselves of important people or important moments. These celebrations often come with something we do every time – maybe a birthday banner that has been taped up throughout the years, a favorite food dish that is always prepared, or a story that is told again and again. While some things may change throughout the years, we cling on to the traditions.

It was during the time we now call Holy Week that Jesus and His friends were also gathering for an important traditional meal called Passover. The disciples had yet to know what would happen throughout the night, but Jesus knew what was coming. It was during this time Jesus took the old traditions and did something new. Each moment pointed to the love of God.

The Passover meal was the most important Jewish holiday because of the significance to remember God’s rescue of the Israelite people during their time of slavery in Egypt. During this meal, Jesus changed the tradition, adding new language pointing to the promise of a new covenant. The disciples would not yet understand that this new covenant was telling about God’s greatest rescue of His people, not only the people of Israel but with the whole world. The cross would become an important symbol of God’s love because of this ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins and a promise of eternal life.

John’s gospel tells us another part of the story as they gathered for this meal. When it was time for supper, Jesus began to wash the disciples’ feet. This was not the custom practice because Jesus was the teacher and leader. Jesus changed the tradition and set an example of love and servant leadership, and also called His disciples to follow this way.

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” – John 13:34-35

When we interact with others around us, we have continual opportunities to show the love of Christ. The cross becomes a symbol and reminder for us that this love is for anyone and for everyone. Telling others about Jesus is important, but this love is not only something we should talk about, but it’s a love we should live out to those around us through our acts of service and kindness. Keep your heart open to the ways God may be calling you to show this love to others in new ways.

Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministries and Discipleship