August 28, 2018

He determines the number of the stars, he gives to all of them their names. Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure. –Psalm 147:4-5

We – Jeff, myself, and our daughter Cate- are currently on vacation in Florida, and It’s been a great experience overall.

While we were here we decided to make the trip to the Kennedy Space Center. We took two separate specialty tours of the 144k Acre property. One was about the history of NASA and the grounds. It is amazing how much technology has changed since then! Part of the tour was showing us the old block houses, which held the control centers and hopefully kept them safe during launch. One of the other stops contained information and rockets that housed the chimpanzees and other animals sent into space. Then it also showed the new technology and facilities for SpaceX (owned by Elon Musk) and Blue Origin (owned by Jeff Bezos). Their plans include hopefully moving production to the moon to help reduce pollution and making the moon space station a regular place to vacation.

What a world! My mind is in awe! God gave us wonderful a wonderful gift; minds to think, learn, and dream. That someone had a dream to walk on the moon, to create things that fly not only on our planet but to our moon and to other planets. I am blown away by the forward thinking that led us to where are now.

I can’t help but thank God for the way the world will change when Cate is an adult. When she has a family. Maybe, instead of vacationing to the beach in Florida, they’ll be vacationing on Mars.

Thanks be to God for the wonderful ways in which he works.

Mandi Moon, Director St. Luke’s Children’s Center