September 29, 2022

Our sermon series theme over this last month, Living to Learn and Learning to Live, has inspired us to open our hearts and minds to grow more in our faith. There are so many great resources for us to gain a greater understanding of our world and of nearly any topic you could imagine. We are surrounded by great information and unfortunately even some misinformation. Sorting through and applying this knowledge to our lives is what wisdom is all about. We have been given a great resource in the Bible as a way to learn more about God and about ourselves and our world.  The book of Proverbs is considered one of the books of wisdom literature. Many of the chapters are filled with clever sayings that compare and contrast ways of wisdom and foolishness, or share important truths about handling practical situations. There are also longer speeches like a father giving advice to a son about choosing wisdom in his life or a poetic writing about a virtuous woman.

The book of Proverbs begins with an introduction that sets up our approach when reading and understanding all of these wisdom sayings.  “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Fear of the Lord doesn’t refer to being afraid of God, but holding God in such a reverence and awe of who God is, as well as the realization that we are not God.  Remembering who God is throughout our day and our life truly is the foundation of true knowledge.  This is the place we start and the place we stand as we approach decisions throughout our life.  This is the lens through which we take in all the knowledge and information around us. We don’t define good and evil or right and wrong, but God does. And as we seek to know God more deeply, we will find direction and wisdom in our everyday life as we learn and grow.

The book of Proverbs has 31 chapters and is a book that people often read again and again.  Some would suggest reading the book of Proverbs in a month – one chapter each day.  As you continue your journey of continuing to live and learning, maybe you could add the discipline of reading the book of Proverbs over this next month.  And as you take in these words of scripture (and all the information around you), stand on the foundation of fearing the Lord and holding God in such awe of who he is and leaning on him for direction.

– Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministry and Discipleship