April 25, 2022

Prom is a magical event. It is a great celebration that takes place at the end of a long journey through high school. My daughter went to prom just this past weekend. She and her friends had such fun as they dressed up for a special night. There was so much planning and preparation before the event. The dresses, the suits, where to eat dinner, and how prom would be decorated were the topics of conversation at our house for weeks. It was so much fun to see the event come together, and the students have such a wonderful time.

Knowing how important prom is to most high school students and how much fun they have, I was saddened to read about Austin Roberts. Austin is a senior in Nebraska. Just a few weeks ago, he was in a severe automobile accident. He suffered several major injuries. Austin’s condition kept him in the hospital at the Nebraska Medical Center for several days. Thankfully, he will recover, however he missed his prom.

The staff at the Nebraska Medical Center were saddened to learn that Austin had missed his prom. They wanted to do something special for Austin and his girlfriend, Hannah. Austin had made great strides in recovery, but was still in the hospital and a wheelchair. The hospital staff went to work converting a conference room into a private prom venue just for Austin and Hannah. They had food, a dance floor, a photo booth, and music. Austin and Hannah were treated to a wonderful evening, a special evening just for them.

The hospital prom was not ideal. I am sure that Austin and Hannah would have preferred to be with their friends and enjoying their school prom. The effort made by the Medical Center went a long way to making a good event out of a less than ideal situation.

The staff at the Nebraska Medical Center went above and beyond to help Austin. Their job was to heal his broken bones and damaged body. They knew Austin needed more than medical care to feel better. With just a little effort, the staff brought joy to a difficult time.  As I read this story, I was reminded that each of us have the ability to bring joy to the people around us. With just a little effort, we can brighten the day of those around us. When we take time to listen and understand what people are needing, and we apply our imagination and effort, we can brighten anyone’s day.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship