December 15, 2017

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. So even better, show others this good news, by accepting and loving others for who they are.  It’s wonderful to believe that all are worthy to be able to know and experience the love of God through Jesus Christ, our Savior and King. – Romans 15:7

In the story of Jesus’ birth, there were both shepherds and wise men who came to meet and worship Him.  The shepherds were working in their fields when a normal night turned into an extraordinary one.  Angels filled the sky and told the shepherds about the news of the Christ Child being born in a nearby stable.  They went at once to see this baby and went out sharing this good news with all they met.  Then there were the wise men who came from a long distance, using their knowledge and experience to follow a special star that gave them the opportunity to meet Jesus.  When they were able to see Him, they worshiped Him and gave Him expensive and extravagant gifts.  These first visitors that are mentioned in the Gospel stories have very different backgrounds, stories, and experiences, but it sets the stage for those who would come and be welcomed into Jesus’ presence and ministry.

Throughout the life of Jesus, we see all kinds of people can come to Jesus – no matter their age, gender, health, wealth, or status.  Jesus welcomed the little children into His presence. Women, who were considered no more than second-class citizens, were able to meet with Jesus and had significant roles throughout Jesus’ life and the church’s early ministry.  Jesus healed so many – the blind, lame, and deaf.  He was willing to not only heal, but to touch lepers and others that had been outcast by society because they were unclean.  Those who were considered to be the worst of sinners, and those who held positions of authority, were all intrigued by Him and welcomed by Him.

Today, the good news continues in that anyone can still come to Jesus.  No matter your position or your abilities, your past or your future, your heartache or sin – Christ welcomes you with open arms.  God’s love was revealed in a new way on that night over 2,000 years ago and God’s love continues to be revealed in the way that anyone can come to Him.  Thank God today for His unconditional love and acceptance for you. And in gratitude, share that news with others!

Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministries